What to do with regards the Chequers Inn

 All details can now be viewed at:
Put this reference in the box on the above link: 08/00613/FUL
If you disagree with the proposed planning application of the Chequers Inn, some important points to consider when registering your own objection:-
Amongst other points you wish make in your own letter of objection.
  1. the inappropriate development in a conservation area.
  2. the alteration of the façade.
  3. loss of a popular public amenity.
Don’t forget to quote the reference number 08/00613/FUL


Send your letters to:
Cllr T G Cutmore:
The Development Control Planning Manager:
The Head of planning and Transportation:
Link for Address's of the above councillors:
And of course the Planning link on their website.
Petitions are pretty much a waste of time, so YOU need to take action by registering your own view.