PUBLISHED AGENDA - Your views and ideas can be discussed too!

The Agenda for the next scheduled meeting of the Council will be published here approximately one week before the meeting, as well as on the Noticeboards in both Copford and Easthorpe Villages.


If you have an idea for a new project or there is something you feel the Council should discuss, please contact The Clerk to the Council, or any one of your Parish Councillors at least 10 days before the next meeting date and the Clerk will then consider the proper procedures for dealing with your request and whether it should be included on the next Agenda for discussion.

 Legally, we are unable to make any decisions on anything brought to our meeting which does not appear on our Agenda.

 Alternatively, please feel free to come to our meeting as you will have the opportunity to speak to the Council during the meeting. However, if the matter you are bringing to the Council requires a Council decision, the Council may discuss its views with you, (although it is not obliged to do so at the meeting) and, if it is appropriate, any decision and/or discussion on the matter you have raised may be postponed until the next Council meeting.


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13TH OCTOBER 2015.








 For more information please feel free to contact the Clerk: 01206 329019 e-mail:


