Minutes 30 April 07

Minutes of the meeting of Mistley Parish Council held on 30 April 2007 at the Church Hall, New Road, Mistley, commencing at 7.35pm. PRESENT: Cllrs Rose (Chairman), G Carter, J Carter, Fairhall, Forrester, Peacock, and Smith R Ling (Clerk to the Council) PCSO H Howe 12 Members of the Public APOLOGIES Cllrs French, Horlock, Potter and Worsley 27.07 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest 28.07 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th March 2007 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed Cllr Peacock 29.07 Matters Arising a. FEEDING OF SWANS along The Walls The Clerk has circulated a letter from the RSPB stating that they (and English Nature) had made their position clear in the past regarding bird feeding activity at Mistley Walls which has directly led to the sizeable flock of Canada Geese appearing there. Their advice has consistently been that feeding should effectively be reduced. The Chairman reported on the latest position with regard to building a retaining wall to deter birds coming onto the greensward b. COMPLAINTS made regarding the Council’s conduct The Clerk had circulated a list of complaints received at the previous meeting regarding the Council’s conduct relating to feeding birds, and the Access to Information Act, together with his comments. As the complainant was not at the meeting these were noted. c. Proposed SKATEBOARD Site at Furze Hill After debate it was agreed that an experimental skateboard be allowed to be erected adjacent to the children’s play area and that £600 would be donated towards the cost Proposed Cllr Smith. 30.07 Public Voice The meeting was adjourned between 7.47 p.m. and 7.50 p.m. to allow members of the public to speak. Matter raised was the DISAPPEARANCE OF THE POST BOX in New Road 31.07 Action on Matter raised under Public Voice With regard to this matter the Clerk will enquire of Royal Mail and report to the next meeting. 32.07 FINANCE a. The following Standing Order was noted:- £653.00 (salaries) b. The following cheques, signed a matter of urgency, were noted: Allianz Insurance £3990.65 Essex Woodlands £1057.50 c. The following payments were approved: - E Dent £191.70 R Ling £250.00 KASPA Ltd £356.18 Pro-Mac Ltd £6181.68 TDC £67.50 S Tankard £348.58 May Gurney £90.36 Mistley Q and F £25.00 Manningtree T.C £561.75 R Gwinnel £366.00 Manningtree T.C. £600.00 (S137) P Liverton £940.00 E.A.L.C. £416.74 Foundry Court £30.00 (S137) Initial Fire and Security £878.71 Proposed Cllr Smith As a result of some of the above payments being made for improving the Village Hall it was agreed that the £5000 available for transfer to the Village Hall Account be reduced to £4000 Proposed Cllr J Carter c. QUOTATIONS Repairs to Furze Hill Recreation Ground The quotation from Pro-Mac Surfacing in the sum of £1523.00 had been accepted at the last meeting. This quotation included a provisional sum of £398.00 for repairing faults to the concrete when it was exposed. In the event this work cost £815.00. Once the work was nearing completion it became obvious that the work would be greatly enhanced by providing a tarmac and shingle surface. Pro-Mac provided a quotation for this work of £3321.00 which was accepted by the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman. It was agreed that Financial Regulations be waived as the Contractor was already on site and in a position to give the best quotation. Proposed Cllr Forrester CCTV System at Furze Hill The Clerk reported a quotation from GCS Security Systems, for providing CCTV cameras to cover the Village Hall car park and the children’s play area, in the sum of £4647.00 plus some minor installation costs within the Village Hall for the monitor, yet to be assessed. It was agreed that this quotation be accepted and Financial Regulations waived as GCS Security Systems were the Contractor for Tendring District Council and had been awarded that Contract after competitive tendering. Also by choosing GCS Security Systems it would be possible to link the new system into Tendring’s at some future date should the Council so wish. Proposed Cllr Forrester d. AUDIT of 2000/07/06 Accounts The Clerk had circulated a summary of the accounts for 2006/07 which had been checked and approved by the Internal Auditor. These were approved and signed by the Chairman and the Responsible Finance Officer. 33.07 PLANNING a. Recent planning decisions made by TDC since the last meeting were noted. b. There were no objections made to two new planning applications (1) alterations to approved plans for the former Builders Yard in School Lane and (2) development at The Forge, The Heath. c. Notification had been received that the proposed employment site at HORSLEY CROSS had been called in by Go-East. The Council had the opportunity to make any representations to the Secretary of State. It was agreed that the Council’s previous comments supporting the application should be repeated. Proposed Cllr Smith d. The Clerk reported a request from Manningtree Town Council to form a working party of Manningtree, Lawford and Mistley Councillors to agree a joint position regarding TESCO’s wish to open a SUPERSTORE in the area. It was agreed that at the AGM the Chairman, Vice Chairman and one other Councillor be appointed . e. A notice had appeared in the local press that an application had been received by TDC for a 24 hour, 7 days a week, MUSIC AND DANCING LICENSE for the SAILING BARGE VICTOR, moored at Baltic Quay. The Planning Committee had objected to this application on the grounds of possible noise and disturbance but had been advised by TDC that this was not a valid objection. It was then agreed that a CONDITION should be imposed that no music should be played on deck or within 100m of the shore and the Clerk should inform TDC accordingly. 33.07 PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS Notification had been received that there had been 11 nominations for the 11 vacancies and therefore an election would not be required. The Chairman thank Cllrs Potter and Smith for their work in the past and welcomed Mr M Rayner and Mr F Thompson who would join the Council at the next meeting. 34.07 AFFORDABLE HOUSING The Clerk reported correspondence from the English Rural Housing Association about the provision of affordable housing in the parish. It was agreed that a working party should be set up at the next meeting to investigate this further. Proposed Cllr Fairhall 35.07 CORRESPONDENCE Recent correspondence was reported and the following decisions made:- a. District Councillor Dew. Speeding in Clacton Road – Clerk to request ECC for portable speeding signs. b. E.A.L.C. Information packs for Councillors – agreed to order six packs at a cost of £45.00 Proposed Cllr G Carter c. Friends of Foundry Court. Request for donation – agreed £30 Proposed Cllr Smith 36.07 Date of NEST MEETING Tuesday 29th May - AGM. At the Church Room, Chapel Cut Please note change of day from Monday to Tuesday Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.