Fingerposts and signs

First of the Fingerposts. 

The issue of the residents concerns as to the dismal condition of the fingerposts and other street signs around Noak Bridge was first raised in January 2003 at a Parish Council meeting.
Although the District Council accepts responsibility for many of the signs, it was considered unlikely that anything could be done about them due to budget restrictions.
Some signs belong to the housing authority whilst others, originally installed by the commission for New Towns, when this area was developed in the 1980's, no longer appear to be maintained by anyone.
The Parish Council looked into the issue of taking over this responsibility rather than allow the signs to fall into a total state of disrepair.
The first replacement was a double sign and post, showing directions to 1-11 & 25-31 Fore Street and due to the residents support a long term programme was planned with the intention to slowly progress around the Parish, replacing the signs no other authority will budget for, plus investigate possible sources of outside funding.
The second set replaced, locate Durban Lane from both Bridgecote Lane and Littlehurst Lane plus two numbered signs showing 42-58 and 78-80.           
Recently 78-80 was destroyed, being broken away at its connection to the pole - why anyone would do such a wanton act of vandalism is a mystery.

 The Next Phase 

The next phase has just been commissioned (April 2006) and will include signs situated in Crouch Street, Coppice Lane, Lower Street and New Waverley Road.
Thanks must go to Adrian Richards, Tenant Participation Team, Basildon Council who provided some additional funding, enabling so many signs to be replaced at once.

Update - June 2006

The signs have been completed and are being installed around the Parish!

Next Phase - 2007

Circular number signs have been replaced around Kenilworth Place and the broken Bridgecote Lane signs & Saling Green have been commissioned to be returned to their original style and finish.
October 2007
A further list of replacement signs were approved at the Parish Council meeting held on the 10th October. These will include more circular signs around Kenilworth Place, fingerpost  signs and some new directional signs specifically requested by local residents.

 If you know of any more directional signage* that needs attention, please contact the Parish Council as we may be able to include it in the next phase.

    *Signs only within the Parish of Noak Bridge. Blue plate street signs below to the District  Council