Domestic Oil Syndicate


This syndicate has been set up by Lisa Campbell a resident of High Roding and all queries should be made directly to her


Click here to log on to the Rodings Oil Sydicate Website







As a resident of High Roding and given the current financial climate and soaring oil prices, I have been looking into ways of making savings on home heating oil.
The best way to do this is by ordering in bulk and together we can do this through acting as a a syndicate when purchasing oil.
It is a proven way of saving money and there are plenty of local villages currently operating successful syndicates.

The oil suppliers estimate that a syndicate can expect to save between 2p – 10p per litre, this equates to a saving up to £100 on a 1000 litre delivery.

I decided to set up a syndicate for residents of The Rodings and Easters, however for it to work and, more importantly, be able to produce significant savings for everyone involved, it requires lots of members  (there are currently 46 members).

I will operate the syndicate by contacting each member a week before the bulk order is placed via email or phone, I will then search for the most competitive price and place the bulk order.  Finally I will send an email (or call, where necessary) to confirm the price achieved and delivery date(s).

Payment will be made by you directly to the oil supplier.

I will be placing the first order in March.

If you would be interested in joining the syndicate or have any other questions

Please Contact:

Lisa Campbell  

01371 874876.



Please note that this information has been published for the benefit of people in the local area

Aythorpe Parish Council are not involved or responsible in anyway regarding the operation and responsibilities of the syndicate

It is the responsibility of anyone wishing to join the syndicate to enquire and agree to the terms of membership for themselves