Minutes 17th July 2006

GOSFIELD PARISH COUNCILMinutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 17th July 2006 in the PavilionPresent: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), P Wardle (Vice Chairman), C Hough, D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, A Tucker, R Waters. J Main (Clerk)In attendance: County Councillor J Pike, R Smith (Nature Reserve Warden) and 15 members of the public.The meeting was transferred to the Pavilion owing to the excessive temperature in the Committee Room.01. Apologies for Absence: District Cllr Broyd02. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Pawsey declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application 16 Meadway. Cllr Jarvis declared a personal and prejudicial interest in tree work application Dial House when the matter was discussed.03. Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th June 2006: proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th June be signed by the Chairman as a true record.04. Public SessionChurch Rd footway proposals - Meeting closed for public comment. Graham Alien had displayed the plans at the shop. A letter from Mr Alien was circulated to Cllrs. Noted revised plan had not been changed other than the addition of road narrowing signs. Cllr Pike noted that the plan had passed a Highways safety audit and funds were in place for the work to be carried out this year. Scheme now dependent on Parish Council approval. Mr Phillips expressed concern re the danger exiting his property; Mr Westover felt that the scheme did not fulfil the original criteria of improving safety.Delsarte planning application - Mr Tyier and Mr and Mrs Hardy concerned re height of proposed properties and overlooking windows. Mr Kirby concerned that plans once approved are adhered to. He also felt that the buildings will be too tall and would prefer bungalows. Noted that the land is lower than the road and will have to be built up to facilitate joining onto the sewer.Halstead Post Office - Cllr Pike concerned at the proposal to close Halstead Post Office and put a franchise in Martins. He called for the support of the village for retention of the Post Office as existing. The meeting was reopened.05. Matters ArisingRegistration of the Nature Reserve - Clerk to find out the cost of registration.Community Speed watch scheme - notice to be placed in Grapevine for volunteersBroken seat in Braintree Road - as this seat is very rarely used Cllr Waters proposedthat it was not replaced. Seconded Cllr Oates, and agreed with one abstention and twoagainst.

VAT position re village hall - progress being made on this matter.

Church Rd footway - letter from Glyn Roberts read out and background to the scheme given. Problems highlighted were that the road becomes too narrow, no dropped kerb at the end of the footpath towards the alley, exiting from "Rookery" houses would become very dangerous, cost restrictions have made the scheme unworkable. Cllr Jarvis proposed that the scheme as planned was not supported but that the PC would like further consultation re traffic calming and other possible measures. Seconded Cllr Waters and agreed. Cllr Gates against the proposal. Cllr Pawsey to contact Mr Wiltshire at Highways. Suggested improvements - possible marked footway on road down to alley, improvements to worn gateway marking, possible chicane restrictions to slow traffic, more dropped kerbs on playing field side to enable wheel chair /prams to cross easier.06. Working Party reports a. Planning06/01233/OUT - 16 Meadway - demolition of existing garage and erection of chalet bungalow - Cllr Pawsey left the room for this discussion. Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that this application be recommended for refusal on the following grounds - contravention ofRLP 3 and 95, development of this infill plot would be out of keeping with the surrounding properties which are set in relatively spacious grounds; the site is too constrained to support a second property.

06/01248/FUL - 70 Edmund Green - erection of front single storey and rear two storey extensions with flank chimney stack - proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed that this application is recommended for refusal on the following grounds — contravention ofRLP 95. PC concerned at the size of the proposed rear extension, which would be out of keeping with the surrounding properties and too large for the size of the plot. No objections to the front extension.

06/01345/FUL - Delsarte, Hedingham Road - demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three new dwellings - noted four letters of objection received and representations made during public session. Noted this is within village envelope and that the site is sufficient for three properties. Concern expressed re sewage - currently causes problems for some of the existing bungalows and noted that the sewage system in Highlands is private to that development. Proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that this application be recommended for refusal on the following grounds - RLP 95 "any new development is situated in harmony with the existing street scene and building line, and is sympathetic in size, scale and proportions with its surroundings" -cart lodge and barn not in harmony, or sympathetic with anything elsewhere in the village and large buildings proposed out of scale with surrounding properties, RLP 3 "development should respect neighbouring amenities" - new buildings overlook existing properties and reduce privacy. Dial House application for tree works - Cllr Jarvis declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the room for this discussion. Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed - no comment. b. The Nature Reserve Wardens report noted. Congratulations extended to Roger for passing the strimmer course, for his work on the Ha Ha and for arranging for the burnt out car to be removed from the Reserve car park at no cost to the Council. The recommended life of the new life belts was queried - Clerk tocontact supplier to ascertain. Agreed that the Nature Reserve now be referred to as that and not the Pits.c. Playing Field Management Committee Adoption of Terms of Reference -Change to paragraph 2 read out. Cllr Paterson proposed that the Terms of Reference as amended be adopted. Seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed. Cllr Waters abstained. Noted that a list of donations had now been produced.d. Footpaths nothing to reporte. Skate ramp Installation now booked for w/c 7th August. Fencing to be erected Saturday 29th July on three sides of site. Cllr Jarvis to liaise with Mr Harrington. Clerk to raise order for fencing.f. Children's Play area Terms of Reference - Para. 3 quorum changed from three Clirs to two Cllrs. Subject to this amendment it was proposed by Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that these Terms of Reference be adopted. Noted that request for volunteers to join committee had been placed in Grapevine. Cllr Waters to produce display and contact Schools for input. Cllr Tucker proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Waters, Roger and Tony Strudwick for their time and effort in repairing the slide.07. District Councillor's Report Cllr Broyd unable to attend.08. Meetings attended by MembersCllrs Pawsey and Patterson - BDC Wheely bin roll out - BDC presentation outlined. Cllr Tucker concerned at public health issues arising from fortnightly collections. Cllr Pawsey - RCCE AGM - noted Steeple Bumpstead had won the category Gosfield had entered in the Best Kept Village Competition.09. Members Items nothing arising10. CorrespondenceRoyal British Legion - poppy wreaths - proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that the poppy wreaths be purchased for £33 and the sum be made up to £50 as a donation. Police reorganisation form - passed to Cllr Paterson for completion.11. Any other business the Chair may view as urgentClerk to write to Fete Committee thanking them for all their work producing another excellent Fete.Use of Pavilion for meetings during hot weather - Clerk to contact Tony Harrington to book the Pavilion for August and September meetings. Next year meetings May -September to be held in the Pavilion. Clerk to ensure this is clear on agendas etc.12. Financial Matters Accounts for PaymentProposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Tucker and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1 in the total of £2516.73Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public were requested to leave the meeting at this point to enable a report of the Personnel Committee to be discussed. Proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and

agreed that the recommendation made by the committee concerning the rate of pay for the Reserve Warden be approved. Clerk to notify Roger.

The meeting closed at approximately 9.40 pm


Signed..... Chairman


Please note that the next meeting will take place in the Pavilion