Minutes 12th December 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 12th December   2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), C Hough, D Jarvis, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: County Councillor J Pike,  R Smith (Pits Warden), and four members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: District Cllr Broyd, Cllrs McMillan and Tucker


02.   Declarations of Interest: Cllr Pawsey declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application, 5 Braintree Road. Cllr Waters declared a personal interest in planning application, 5 Braintree Road.


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st November 2005:  proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2005 be signed by the Chairman as a true record.


04.   Public Session

County Cllr Pike reminded the Council that the closing date for application for grants from the ECC Community Fund is February.  Noted that Rivenhall waste recycling scheme is still under discussion, but that it was in no way dependent on the proposed A 120 improvements.


05.   Matters Arising

Contact with Feering Parish Council re skate ramp – Cllr Jarvis still endeavouring to contact their Clerk.

Noise complaints to M R Hall – Cllr Jarvis to take this matter to their meeting in January.

Website – noted Cllr Waters now has this in operation, address www.essexinfo/gosfieldparishcouncil/   Minutes of meetings to be put on each month by Cllr Waters.

Muddy area inside children’s play area – this has been inspected and may be re seeded next spring.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning – 05/02364/FUL – 5 Braintree Road, erection of conservatory – Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed no comment. Cllr Pawsey left the room for this discussion.

ECC expansion plans for Tile Kiln – proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Jarvis and agreed that the Parish Council objects to this expansion on the grounds of increased traffic and noise, and its proximity to the road. Clerk to request that the PC is included in consultation on this expansion.

Colne Skips appeal – appeal grounds to be circulated for consideration. Copy to go on board. Appointment of solicitor to represent the PC may be necessary. Meeting to be arranged between PC and interested parties in the village.

b.      The Pits Wardens report – noted annual tree inspection would take place shortly, but that inspections are visual only and can give no guarantees. Outstanding replacement oak for that cut down will be planted in the near future. Repair work to access track will take place in the fishing club closed season of 1st Dec to 1st March and will take two days. Grant from Aggregate Levy Fund to pay for the work to the track and various bat/owl boxes. Warden may be required to take certificate of training for use of strimmer next year to meet H & S at an approx cost of £175. Access gate from car park should be installed on January 11th. Noted large grass snake has been seen at the Pits.

Information boards – installation details circulated. Board one to include oak, herb robert, speckled wood butterfly and moorhen. Content agreed with the addition of right of way joining two footpaths behind the stream. Board one to be positioned just inside Kings Head entrance at fork in path.

Board two  - position agreed as just inside entrance from car park. Content agreed as rosebay willow herb, common carp, kingfisher and wavy hair grass. Disabled access signage to fishing platform to be added. Noted boards will be sufficiently low for wheelchair users to access.

Proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that Roger Smith be authorised to attend meetings within his remit on behalf of the Council including the Sustainability Forum, River Colne Project meetings and BDC tree meetings.

Agreed letter be sent to Tim Main copy to his college thanking him for his help.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee – meting held 28th Nov. Padlock for gate in hand. Minor repairs required to tractor, to be paid for by PFMC. Committee expressed their thanks for the framing and hanging of competition certificates. PFMC comments on revised Terms of Reference to be brought to January meeting.

d.      Play area Committee – no response received as yet from interested parties. Cllr Waters to put on website. Agreed Clerk to submit a grant application to fund the replacement swings so as not to miss the Feb deadline for applications. Information on available equipment to be circulated for choice of swing. Noted this would form the first part of a rolling programme to update the play area.

e.      Footpaths – nothing to report.

f.        Skate ramp – ROSPA unhappy with position behind goal. Site at side of field would require 3m high fence. Greater detail sought on ROSPA comments. May be acceptable to physically prevent access to ramp while football in progress, possibly with a low fence with a lockable gate. Mr Harrington happy to monitor gate. GBH looking into ways of preventing use of ramp.


07.   District Councillor’s Report

        Cllr Broyd unable to attend due to ill health, but sent seasons greetings.


08. Meetings attended by Members

        Cllr Pawsey reported on a very useful Parishes evening at BDC.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Pawsey – restructuring of Essex Police – proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded   Cllr Waters and agreed that the Clerk write to the Chief Constable supporting his view that Essex Police should remain a unitary authority.



10.   Correspondence

Letter from Halstead Youth Initiative re disposal of funds – agreed the Clerk apply for funding towards a youth shelter for the village.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Review of Parish Emergency Plan – noted this has not been updated for some years. Clerk to produce new document for discussion.


12.   Financial Matters


        Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1.


13.   Personnel Committee Report

        Objectives and individual plan for the Clerk for 2005/06 as circulated by the Personnel Committee discussed and agreed.

        Concern re the working of the litter-picking contract expressed – Clerk to write.


The meeting closed at approximately 9.10 pm



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………





       Minutes not yet approved