Minutes 15th August 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15th August 2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors A Tucker (Vice Chairman) in the Chair, C Hough,

D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: County Councillor J Pike and 22 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: Cllr Pawsey, Cllr Paterson and District Cllr Broyd


02.   Declarations of Interest: Cllrs Hough, Wardle and Jarvis declared a personal interest in item 11, licensing application for Gosfield Lake Golf Club.


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th July: proposed Cllr Wardle, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th July be signed by the Vice Chairman as a true record.


04.   Public Session

The meeting was closed for members of the public to make representations.

Colne Skips application:

Mr Ovenden – ECC had only sent 10 letters to residents. He has sent approx 250 to village residents to make them aware of the proposals. Particularly concerned at the size of the proposed sorting shed and the lack of control over contents of skips, also at the traffic dangers. Motorbikes known to speed along this road, in danger of hitting slow moving lorries exiting site.

Jan Cox – concerned re health and safety issues of concrete dust over school and surrounding residences.

Mrs Howard – queried statement that site was a mile from the centre of the village, obviously less than that.

Mrs Roberts – concerned re hygiene on site, risk of infestation problems.

Cllr Jarvis – recommendations in Noise Impact Assessment produced by AERC regarding moving the door to the sorting shed to minimise noise and increasing the height of the boundary fence had not been adopted in application.

Mr Farnham / Mr Ladkin– in view of proposal probably going ahead, should village gain be considered.

Mr Lock – had crushed concrete on the site for some years at the site. Work was strictly regulated, spraying water reduced dust levels.

Mr Lane – confirmed that the Environment Agency maintain a close watch on operations of this sort. Stated that the building will not be visible from the road, only from Honeywoods. Willing to plant hedging to screen their view. Any vehicles speeding through the village should be reported to him – drivers would be sacked. County Cllr Pike – willing to support decision of the PC. Proposal going to committee probably October, feels the application is unlikely to be refused, and possible planning gain should be considered.

Cllr Jarvis – recommendations in Noise Impact Assessment produced by AERC regarding moving the door to the sorting shed to minimise noise and increasing the height of the boundary fence had not been adopted in application.

Green Man license application – Mr Ladkin very concerned at the licensing application for the Green Man, which included live/taped music both indoor and outdoor on Friday and Sat 8pm until 11.30 and Sunday noon until 11pm, and the impact this could have on the village. To be discussed under item 11.

The meeting was reopened.


05.   Matters Arising

Access track for Pits – confirmation still awaited from D Whipps re liability for repairs.

CCTV for Pavilion – a briefing session on compliance with Data Protection and the Code of Practice had been arranged by BDC. Cllrs Tucker and Oates to attend on 31st Aug. Geoff Butler to attend the Sept meeting to give a presentation. Decision on this matter to be considered after this presentation.

Church Road smell – letter from Anglian Water received, reiterating that this was with their legal department, and asking residents to keep a log of problems.

Seats at Community Wood – these have been repeatedly removed/vandalised, however Mr Ripper is prepared to replace one of them. Noted that this area has lost its Community Wood status and associated grant but it is to remain as a wood open to the public.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning – ESS/30/05/BTE – Shell Oil Depot – Cllrs Waters and McMillan felt that as this application would be granted planning gain should be sought. In view of the public concern at this application it was proposed Cllr Wardle, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed 5 votes to 2 that this application be recommended for refusal on the following grounds – traffic, noise, pollution, size of sorting shed and its visual impact on the village, and the non adoption of the recommendations made in the noise impact assessment.

Church Road Footway – plan for this scheme considered. Noted this is due to start in the near future.

b.      The Pits – Wardens report circulated. Work to trees behind 82/84 Edmund Green noted, trees behind 82 to be coppiced at the resident’s expense. Two dead trees behind 84 to be felled at the Parish Council’s expense. Further work to be paid for by resident. Permission needed from BDC for the work.

Noted that the kissing gate has now been installed.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee – G Roy has obtained £2,000,000 insurance for Scarecrow weekend, £5,000,000 required. She is making further enquiries. Sale of tractor – the Massey Ferguson had required more extensive repairs than at first thought. A “short engine” had become available for the Ford from Does. Mrs Harrington had offered to buy the Massey Ferguson from the Parish Council for the same amount as had been paid for it. The Clerk had spoken to all Councillors regarding this transaction. Cllrs Oates and McMillan had not been in favour of the sale, remainder agreed. MF sold to Mrs Harrington. Mrs Harrington also offered a donation of £800 to cover the cost of repairs to Ford. PC thus had tractor in working order at no cost.  Noted tractor property of PC, insured for theft not for road use. Cllr Waters looking into insurance etc to make tractor road worthy for use around the village.

Application by Mr K Moore for use of football pitch by junior team – some discussion took place as to whether an additional pitch could be fitted in, and minimum size required. Cllr Waters concerned to see field used to its full potential. Clerk to write to Mr Moore to ascertain exact size required. Site meeting then to take place to measure out pitch on field.

BDC Activity Days – noted that BDC had booked Pavilion and field for Activity Day, but had been unable to gain access to Pavilion on the day. The event had relocated to MR Hall.

Repair of roundabout – noted that permission had been sought from the Chair before work undertaken.

d.      Footpaths – footpath 12 – Cllr Oates had walked this and reported no problems. Mr Pullen had reported problems with footpath 42, Cllr Oates to contact him.

e.      Skate ramp – funding should be in position by September meeting. A family disco will take place on Oct 22nd at the M R Hall to raise funds for the ramp.  


07.   District Councillor’s Report

        Cllr Broyd’s report presented in his absence – suggested Geoff Butler makes a presentation on CCTV to the Sept PC Meeting. Clive Stewart wished to make a presentation on the neighbourhood watch scheme to the October meeting. Both these were agreed. Cllr Broyd had been in touch with Anglian water regarding the Church Road problem. It appears that Mr Turp had blamed the drain problem on the Pavilion, this matter was with the legal dept and further tests were to be carried out to apportion blame. Environmental Services at BDC were also involved. Halstead Area meeting – Tescos will probably appeal their planning refusal. Gosfield Hall planning application had been deferred due to the meeting over running. However Cllr Broyd concerned that restrictions be placed on this application, on use by private parties, use of fireworks etc. Fireworks were already causing problems and there was potential for noise nuisance to residents. Cllr Broyd felt that the Parish Council should raise these concerns with the licensing committee. At this point an email from Mrs Julia Brown, a resident of Hall Drive, detailing problems she has been experiencing with noise and fireworks from the Hall was read out. It was proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that a letter expressing concerns be sent to BDC.

08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr PawseyStansted Airport Consultation - Cllrs Pawsey and Oates had attended this, the report provided by BAA to be circulated to members.

Cllr Jarvis – Maurice Rowson Trust meeting – committee had considered the request to site a seat outside the Hall but were concerned this might encourage youngsters to congregate after dark and could create a problem with possible vandalism. Chairs are to be placed in the Hall lobby on Post Office days. Mr Pasfield is to write to the Clerk.

Cllrs Jarvis and Waters – planning system meeting – responsibility to be removed to the Eastern Region and a local development framework to replace the local plan.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Pawsey – attendance at EALC/BALC meetings – Cllr Pawsey had expressed concern that other members become involved with these organisations, which can be an invaluable support to Parish Councils.


10.   Correspondence

Cllr Oates – item withdrawn

BDC Essex History Fair – no organisations identified which might wish to participate.

BDC – Shardlowes Farm planning applications – response noted from BDC regarding the time scale of this application.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Licensing applications Golf Club / Green Man. Noted it was too late to comment on the Golf Club application. Mr Ladkin had raised concerns about the Green Man application in the public session. Proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that the Clerk write to BDC raising objections to the proposal for indoor/outdoor music.

Parish Rangers Scheme – noted.


12.   Financial Matters


Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1



The meeting closed at approximately 9.25 pm



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
