Minutes 15th May 2006


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15th May 2006 in the Maurice Rowson Hall

 Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough, D Jarvis, T McMillan, J Paterson, P Wardle.  J Main (Clerk) In attendance: 7 members of the public. 01.   Apologies for Absence: County Cllr Pike, District Cllr Broyd, Cllrs Oates and Waters. 02.   Declarations of Interest: Cllr Jarvis declared a personal interest in planning application, 59 Greenfields. 03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th April 2006 –Proposed Cllr Wardle, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that the Chairman sign the minutes of the meeting held on 10th April as a true record. 04.   Public Session – nothing reported. 05.   Matters ArisingPark Lane new access track – noted BDC waiting for planning application to be received.Church Rd footway – noted Bob Wiltshire of ECC Highways would be attending the next Parish Council meeting to present the latest plan for this scheme. Cllr Jarvis expressed concern at the safety and practicability of this scheme. Any other highways matters of concern to be brought to that meeting. Noted Highways had not at yet acted on the reported overgrown footpaths, and that both Braintree Rd and Church Rd were in very poor condition. Clerk to contact Olive Cowell re overgrown footpaths. Also noted railings at bridge were broken – Clerk to report.Flower troughs – required information had been produced to Highways, Clerk now awaiting licence.Fires at Nature reserve – Police had confirmed that incidents had not been listed as arson.  06.   Working Party reportsa.      Planning – 06/00931/FUL 59 Greenfields erection of rear extension and alterations – this application had been received too late to appear on the agenda. Noted this was virtually the same as the previous application, it was not felt necessary to refer to planning committee, and no comment would be returned.Peterfield Antique Village – recent correspondence with BDC enforcement was read – no action to be taken by BDC.b.      The Pits – report pre circulated. Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that Roger might purchase an additional dog bin at approx £71 and for attendance at a strimmer/brushcutter H&S course at a cost of £180.c.       Playing Field Management Committee –minutes of meeting on 24th April being circulated. Concern expressed by Mr Harrington at rubbish by the Lake in view of entry to Best Kept Village competition – Cllr Hough to raise. Noted PFMC AGM on 22nd May.d.      Children’s play area –Grant received from the Community Initiative Fund for £1505 for new swing. Clerk to write to thank Lord Hanningfield. Expenditure for play area repairs – proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that £85 be spent on necessary repairs to the slide. Noted that Roger had repaired the roundabout for £5.88 – thanks extended to Roger. Wet pour repairs – Clerk authorised to purchase repair kit from Wychwood Play Services.e.      Footpaths –nothing reported.f.        Skate ramp –Thanks extended to Kate Sale for her work in applying for Sport for All grant. Committee waiting for final confirmation from D Yearley at ROSPA re fence and lockable gate. Sign to be erected supplied by GBH agreed with slight alterations. Position of nearest phone box to be added. Opening to be possibly Fete Day, permission given for approx £50 to be spent from ramp funds on small display for opening.  07.   District Councillor’s Report –Cllr Broyd absent. 08. Meetings attended by Members – Cllrs Pawsey and Wardle attended the Parish Council Forum on the Planning process and found it very informative.  09.   Members ItemsCllr Jarvis – the Maurice Rowson Hall Committee had raised the question of responsibility for repairs to the fence round the war memorial. Considered to be the responsibility of the Parish Council, Clerk to ask Roger to inspect the damage.Cllr Tucker – renumbering of lamp posts now completed. The council congratulated Cllr Tucker on a job well done.  10.   CorrespondenceHalstead Youth Initiative Grant – noted grant received for £300 for youth shelter. Clerk to write to HYI to request that this sum be made available for play area equipment. BDC Planning event – Clerk to ask Cllr Waters if he would like to attend.Stop Stansted campaign – information to be circulated for consideration and brought to the next meeting.  11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgentAnnual updating of Members Register of Interests – Cllrs present confirmed no changes. Clerk to check with Cllrs Oates and Waters, and the position re Cllr Wardle moving house within the Parish. 12.   Financial Matters Accounts for Payment – proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1 in the total sum of £1292.71Review of Wardens pay – Personnel Committee to meet shortly following Clerk’s review meeting to make recommendation to Council at next meeting. Any increase to be backdated to April. Awarding of Lighting Maintenance Contract. Quotation from Just Lamps received in the sum of £1045 for one year or £940.12 for three years against T Cartledge £1495.73. Noted Just Lamps also provide tree trimming when necessary and are recommended by Sible PC. Proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Tucker and agreed that the Clerk award a one year contract to Just Lamps.Summary of 05/06 accounts circulated to Members for consideration.  The meeting closed at approximately 9.00 pm  Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………Chairman