minutes 16th May 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the

 16th May 2005 in the Pavilion


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman),

D Jarvis, T McMillan, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: District Councillor B Broyd, R Smith (Pits Warden), and 11 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: County Cllr Pike, Cllrs Hough and Oates


02.   Declarations of Interest:  Cllr Waters -  prejudicial interest - treework application at the Coffee Rooms. Cllr Pawsey - prejudicial interest - planning application, 9 Chestnut Avenue. Cllr McMillan - personal interest - tree work application at the Coffee Rooms. Cllr Jarvis - personal interest - the Coffee Rooms, 9 Chestnut Avenue and Accounts for Payment (payment to M Jarvis). Cllr Wardle – personal interest – Coffee Rooms.


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th April 2005

Proposed Cllr Paterson, seconded Cllr Jarvis and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th April were a correct record with the following amendment – item 10 Voluntary sector training – delete Cllr Paterson.

        Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 3rd May 2005

Proposed Cllr Paterson, seconded Cllr Tucker and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd May were a correct record.


04.   Public Session

Cllr Pike not in attendance. Meeting closed for members of the public to comment. Noted that grass triangle at the Kings Head is badly overgrown. Volunteer needed to cut this. Reported that Colne Skips have been burning waste on the Cory site and skips have been seen entering and leaving. Rubbish burning on site is not legal. Noted Colne Skips hold a hazardous waste licence.  Clerk to make enquiries re Colne Skips’ activities on site. Public meeting to be called when revised planning application is submitted. Cllr Broyd pointed out that this was an industrial site, it has better road access than existing site and that any planning conditions applied must be adhered to.

Update requested on progress on swing repairs – noted that repairs now completed and swing should be open for use on Tuesday 17th May. Meeting reopened.


05.   Matters Arising

Trafalgar Weekend – Parish Council support this venture, but volunteers needed to organise events.

Siting of prize bins – sites identified as outside entrance to playing field (replacing old wire receptacle) and opposite shop in Church Road. Clerk to notify BDC.

Update on grass cutting agreement – confirmation awaited from BDC that agreement is in place.



06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning

05/00793/FUL – 9 Chestnut Avenue – erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension  - Cllr Pawsey left the room for this discussion. Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no objection to the proposed extensions, however the Council would like to see conditions placed on any planning permission concerning the remaining side wall of the neighbours garage. Wall to be suitably rebuilt in facing bricks to match with foundations checked for adequacy, proper provision for rainwater drainage and the garage roof made good.

05/00801/TPOCON – Coffee Rooms, The Street – treeworks – Cllr Waters left the room for this discussion. Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Tucker and agreed, no comment.

b.      The Pits

Warden’s report circulated. Disabled access gate still not installed – Clerk to contact J Bartley, Cllr Waters to speak to P3. Access road to Pits car park – Cllr McMillan reported that Mr Butler believed that this road is the responsibility of the Parish Council. Clerk to check deeds with Holmes and Hills. Cllr Waters to check Land Registry. 

c.       Playing Field Management Committee

 No meeting to report. AGM to be held on 23rd May. Swing repairs - Cllr Tucker concerned re condition of struts below ground. Maurice Rowson Trust to be reimbursed £1000 given for swing replacement.

Checklist for mowing equipment – Clerk still to locate.

d.      Footpaths

Cllr Oates absent – no report.

e.      Skate ramp

  Cllr Jarvis seeking funding, one grant application result should be available end Sept.

  Fete Committee may make a donation to funds in return for help from young people on fete day. Three quotations being sought by Cllr Jarvis. Essex Environment Trust may be approached for grant.


07.   District Councillor’s Report

Meeting closed for Cllr Broyd – the two Halstead supermarket applications will probably be on the June agenda for the Area Committee, meeting will probably be held at the Ramsey School to accommodate numbers. Meeting reopened.


08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Waters/Cllr Pawsey – Planning Day – copies of the useful handouts given to be copied to all Councillors.

Cllr Pawsey – BALC AGM – presentation given on the Standards Board. Noted that 66% of complaints reported are rejected, and that of 300 breaches of the Code only one had been in this area.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Oates absent, his item held over.

Cllr Tucker – proposed Kwik Cricket under 12s competition to stimulate flagging interest in the sport – permission to be sought from PFMC to hold this on 1st July 6-9pm on the playing field. Parking would be required on the top of the field, 16 – 18 teams of 6 participating. Cllr Tucker to check parking availability at the Church and also at MR Hall.


10.   Correspondence

EPFA competition – Clerk to complete entry form.

Mr Clark re problems with Highlands drains – the meeting was closed for Mr Clark to explain the situation - Clerk to highlight this problem in the next newsletter. Meeting reopened.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Planning Application received for Petersfield Farm, meeting to be held on Wednesday 25th at 7.30pm to consider this application.

Noted that the bench in the Limes had been badly damaged by vandals. Bench has been removed for repair on the instruction of the Chairman.

Noted that the path into the play area had been completed, but that no rails had been fitted. Clerk to investigate.


12.   Financial Matters

Accounts for 2004/2005 were distributed for consideration. Annual return to be signed at June meeting.


Accounts for Payment

The accounts were presented for payment and agreed.

Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1.



The meeting closed at approximately 9pm.



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
