Minutes 17th October 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 17th October 2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough,

D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: County Councillor J Pike, District Councillor B Broyd, Mr Clive Stewart (Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, Braintree District Area) and 22 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: none


02.   Declarations of Interest: none received


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th September 2005: proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th September be signed by the Chairman as a true record.


04.   Public Session

The meeting was closed. Report by County Cllr Pike:

Cory site planning application – unlikely to be approved, probably won’t go to County Committee. Applicant may appeal.

Church Road smell – with Anglian Water legal department for resolution.

Church Road footway – being re drawn. Mr Turbin  queried the problem with the scheme, noted available width is causing problems. Footpath should still be provided this financial year.

Presentation by Mr C Stewart:

Mr Stewarts purpose was to raise the profile of Neighbourhood Watch. He requested that NW be placed on PC agenda regularly, made a request for funds and also a request for publicity space in the village newsletter.

Skatepark –

Mr Sargeant reiterated the concerns raised in his letter. He felt that the money was to be wasted on a minority group.

Cllr Jarvis responded that only one piece of equipment is to be provided, the ramp is to be 4.5 m wide and 10 m long. The Clerk at Rayne PC reports that they have had no problems arising from their ramp. Noted no planning permission needed. Noted there is a lack of facilities in the village for this age group. Locating the ramp had proved a problem, now suggested it is sited just north of the children’s play area. The young people were agreeable to a voluntary agreement not to use the ramp when the football pitch is in use.

Mr Edwards queried the provision of a fence between the play area and the ramp – noted the existing fence is the necessary height of 1.2 m. Concerned re use of ramp by older youths and lack of consultation. Noted the proper consultation had been carried out.

Mr Turbin asked if the ramp was to be lit at night, and a path provided. Not intending to light the ramp, path may be provided at a later date. Noted the field is closed at dusk.

Mike Clarke  PFMC stated that the field is provided for all sports and ages to use, not just certain groups.

Rob Sale pointed out that the young people had done all that was asked of them, raising money via the disco, litter picking after the fete, they had attended every meeting re the ramp and were agreed to the voluntary restriction on use.

Accounts – Mr Turbin queried the high fee for auditing the accounts – noted this is a set non-negotiable fee from the auditors who are appointed by the Audit Commission. Last year’s fees were higher because the expenditure on the Pavilion pushed the Council into a higher audit bracket.

Gosfield Primary School – Mrs Roberts reported that the headmistress had given notice and the deputy head Barbara Dean was acting up in the interval before re appointment. The meeting was re opened.


05.   Matters Arising

Access track to the Pits – noted that the repair of this track is the responsibility of the Council. A grant has been obtained for this work.

Church Road footway – confirmed this scheme would go ahead in the future.

PFMC Terms of Reference – carried over.

Proposal re Council Spokesman – carried over.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning – 05/01827/FUL – 5 Halstead Road – erection of conservatoryproposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no comment. 1 vote against.

05/01938/TPO – 7 Meadway – reduction of one oak tree – proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed – no comment

The following application was received too late to put on the agenda – 05/02010/FUL – 11 Park Cottages – erection of conservatory -  proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no comment.

b.      The Pits – report circulated.  Cllr Pawsey thanked the Warden for a very useful and informative guided walk round the reserve. Purchase and installation of disabled access gate for the car park  – proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that a gate be purchased for the approximate sum of £170 this financial year.

Hedge trimming may proceed next spring.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee – last meeting 26th Sept, minutes to be circulated shortly. Concern expressed by the committee at the proposal to re draft the constitution and the possible implication that they are failing to carry out their role satisfactorily. Cllr Waters stated that the PFMC carry out the management of the playing field very well, and that the redrafting concerned the legal basis of the Committee.

Repair of play equipment – noted minor works have already been carried out, held over to next meeting. Licensing of tractor in hand.

d.      Footpaths – nothing to report

e.      Skate ramp– BSI standard PAS 35 has not been examined by the Skate ramp Committee. A further meeting had taken place with GBH (preferred supplier). The site north of play area is to be marked out on the field for Cllrs to see. This site would avoid disrupting the view at the playing field. Minor trimming to surrounding trees will be necessary. Noted ramp at Rayne is in a similar position. Risk assessment to be caries out by Cllr Jarvis. Noted supplier has to report to ROSPA for approval prior to installation. Insurance requirements to be checked.


07.   District Councillor’s Report

Cory Site - Cllr Broyd felt Colne Skips likely to appeal is application refused.

Scrutiny Panel meeting 26th Oct – notification not received by PC, Clerk to chase.

Parish Cluster meetings to take place shortly.

Freeport swimming pool progressing.

Concerned re Gosfield Hall use of fireworks.


08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Pawsey – Parish Rangers meeting – Rangers have contact with all bodies and departments. Noted John Krishock (BDC Housing Manager for Halstead) is Gosfield’s Parish Ranger. Problems reported to him – bikes and other problems in Hall Drive, Problems in the Spinney, and vandalism at the Pavilion etc. Contact details to be available shortly. Noted the Ranger works in conjunction with the PCSO.

Cllr Pawsey – Police meetings – Cllr Pawsey gave a brief report on meetings with Braintree Chief Superintendent and the Chief Constable.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Oates reiterated that access to Parish records held at the Maurice Rowson Hall is available on appointment with the Clerk who must be present at all times and holds the only key.


10.   Correspondence

Report from Parish Transport Rep – noted the 332 bus service will probably cease from March 2006 as funding will be withdrawn due to lack of use. Clerk to write letter of thanks to Mr Roberts for his work.

BDC Parish Partnership Agreement Consultation – comments of Cllrs noted, Clerk to return consultation document.

BDC Gosfield Hall Fireworks – meeting closed for residents to express their concerns re excessive use of fireworks, light pollution from the Hall, noise from customers leaving. Meeting reopened. Clerk to respond, fireworks preferably only once a week on Saturday, prior to 9.30pm, to be set off on the south side of the building. Comment also to be made on light pollution and final conditions set to be notified to the Council. Meeting reopened.

RCCE 50th anniversary – Cllrs unable to attend.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Remembrance Sunday – Cllr Oates volunteered to lay the wreath at the American War Memorial.

Village handyman – Mr Smith had volunteered to carry out the tasks of village handyman for the minimum wage. Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that this offer be accepted. Noted this would include cleaning the Ha Ha and war memorial, Clerk to write to P Prentice.

December Parish Council meeting – this meeting is to take place one week early, on December 12th at the usual time.




12.   Financial Matters

Lighting Maintenance contract – noted this would remain with Cartledge until next year.

Minimum Wage – noted this went up to £5.05 on 1st October 2005.

06/07 Budget – draft pre circulated, Cllr Tucker explained the figures. To be considered and finalised at next meeting.

Accounts for Payment – Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix I. It was agreed that the sum of £150 be paid to S Riggell for the Seniors outing, bringing the amount paid to this group this year to £500.



The meeting closed at approximately 9.50 pm



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
