Minutes 18th April 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 18th April 2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), 

D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance:  District Councillor B Broyd, PC Barrie Schulz, PCSO Debra Green and 8 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: County Councillor D Finch, Cllr Hough


02.   Declarations of Interest: Cllr Jarvis declared a personal interest in planning application 15 Greenfields


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st March 2005 – proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st March be signed as a true record with the following alterations:

Item 5 – Maurice Rowson Trust should read Maurice Rowson Hall Management Committee

Item 9 – last item should read Cllr Tucker –possible provision of internet access in village to be mentioned in….

        Minutes of Personnel Committee Meeting held 31st March 2005 – it was agreed by committee members that the minutes were a true record.


04.   Public Session the meeting was closed for PCSO Debra Green to introduce herself to the Council. Business cards giving contact details are being prepared.

Item 9, parking at entrance to Greenfields was discussed at this point to enable PC Schulz to contribute. Noted problem sporadic, next time a problem is caused Clerk to write to offender. Highways could paint double yellow lines at the entrance but this was seen as a last resort. Drivers causing an obstruction can be fined £30.

Georgie Roy spoke re Scarecrow weekend 3/4th September. Access required onto field for bouncy castle and ride. Marquee required Sat. night for barn Dance. Permission to be sought to use field opposite Greenfields for parking. Georgie to liaise with Gosfield Hall re keeping their access clear. Noted that public liability insurance must be seen by PFMC.  Meeting to be set up with PFMC for Georgie to put all her requests to the committee. Cllr Paterson to liaise with PFMC re date.

The meeting was reopened.


05.   Matters Arising

Plaque for Bill Pasfield – noted this is now in place.

Non payment of rent by Post Office – rent has now been paid.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning – 05/00599/FUL and 05/00600/LBC – Gosfield Hall – Change of use to civil licensed wedding venue and assoc. functions – proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed with Cllr Jarvis  voting against  - no comment. Clerk to ask BDC to explore whether the conditions on grants from English Heritage to previous owners of the Hall concerning continued public assess are still applicable.

                      05/00635/FUL – 15 Greenfields – proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no comment. Cllr Jarvis declared a personal interest.

Shell Depot site – meeting on 27th April noted, Cllr Pawsey to attend with District Cllr Broyd.

b.      The Pits – Wardens report noted. Permission given to the Warden to write an article for the Colne Festival magazine as a representative of the Parish Council.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee – no PFMC meeting to report. Licensing of tractor to be brought to the next PFMC meeting.

Amendments to draft management policy – to be discussed at joint PC/PFMC meeting. Cllr Paterson to arrange.

Quote from Wicksteeds re swing – noted quote amounts to £3594. Further investigation to be carried out re possibility of repairing existing swing.

ROSPA checklist – proposed Cllr Paterson, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the Clerk ask ROSPA to provide tailored checklist at a cost of £20 when they carry out safety audit in May. Clerk to investigate ROSPA website re checklist for mowing equipment etc.

d.      Footpaths – permissive footpath – new route noted. Copies to be provided to Councillors.

e.      Skate ramp – Building Safer Communities Fund grant application refused.  Rural Communities Development Fund may be approached.


07.   District Councillor’s Report – Traffic count information supplied by Highways awaiting clarification. BDC struggling to maintain council housing stock to new standards and seeking external assistance. Noted that the plans for new supermarkets in Halstead should be before the Area Committee in June. Cllr Broyd concerned at proposed increase in traffic to be generated by the planning application for Gosfield Hall.


08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Tucker attended meeting with BALC to explain new conditions of employment for local council clerks. Councillors to meet to discuss implications prior to meeting with PFMC.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Jarvis -parking at entrance to Greenfields – see Public Session above.

Cllr Waters – suggested recipients for recognition – Cllr Waters put forward Georgie Roy for her considerable fundraising over the last 30 years, Roger Turpin for his work with the fete committee, village hall, art exhibitions, VE Day celebrations, footpath map, designation of the sandpits as a nature reserve etc, and Barrie Schulz  for his time as school governor, the raising of approx £60,000  towards the Pavilion and his considerable work on the original Sport England application. Recognition for these three to be considered at a future time.

Cllr Pawsey – new arrangements for village grass cutting explained.

Cllr Pawsey – recipient for village invalid scooter – noted that this is now available for use by a resident of the village, presently stored in Mrs Smith’s garage. To be serviced by the Parish Council before passed on. Clerk to advertise its availability in the next newsletter.

Cllr Pawsey – reportage to BDC – Councillors requested to notify the Clerk before reporting problems to BDC to avoid duplication.

Cllr Tucker – numbering lamp posts – Cllr Tucker carrying out this task over the next few weeks.

Cllr McMillan – problems with water supply at Greenfields – noted that the Parish Council can do little in this matter, however it was proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the Clerk write a letter of support to Mr Thomas copied to Anglian Water.


10.   Correspondence

ECC – cheque for £1000 received for improving communication.

Trafalgar weekend – information to be circulated for decision on taking part.

D Whipps – fishing licence now received – proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that this be signed.

Voluntary Sector training on playing fields – Cllrs Patterson and Jarvis may attend at a cost of £25 each.

BDC – prize of two rubbish bins and installation – Clerk to make enquiries re type of bins before a decision is made as to suitable sites.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Freedom of Information Act – adoption of model Publication scheme – model scheme to be circulated for comments, if none Cllr Pawsey authorised to sign out of meeting.

Items for Parish Cluster Meeting May 24th – non collection of bags provided by BDC. Any other agenda items to be notified to the Clerk.

Review of Register of Interests – all Councillors confirmed that their have been no changes necessitating alterations to their respective Registers of Interests.


12.   Financial Matters


Accounts for Payment – It was proposed by Cllr Waters, seconded by Cllr Jarvis and agreed that the cheques be signed as Appendix 1.



The meeting closed at approximately 9.30 pm



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
