Minutes 19th September 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 19th September   2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough,

D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance:  District Councillor B Broyd, R Smith (Pits Warden) G Butler (Crime Reduction Officer, Essex Police), PCSO Deb Green and 10 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: County Cllr J Pike


02.   Declarations of Interest: Cllr Waters declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in planning application for 19 Meadway.


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th August 2005: proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th August be signed by the Chairman as a true record.


04.   Public Session

The meeting was closed for members of the public to make representations.

Graham Allen expressed the thanks of his family for the support of the Parish Council in dealings with the Blackwater Housing Association.

Mr Allen brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the field owned by Mr Watson Steele adjacent to the playing field might be available to purchase for the extension of the field. Financial assistance might be possible from the Maurice Rowson Trust and from Heritage Grant. Noted that a special meeting would need to be called to discuss this matter.

Mr Allen also expressed concern at the planned alignment of the new footpath in Church Road, which differed from that originally agreed. Letters of objection from Mr Allen and Mr Phillips representing the views of his neighbours were read out. Noted that the road will be approx 4ft narrower in places than at present.

Mr Butler answered questions on the working of CCTV. Noted that it is ineffective in the dark unless the surrounding light level is adequate. Cameras should be pole mounted where the roof line is low and diametrically opposed. Civil engineering costs involved, electricity supply to poles etc. CCTV can help but will not solve all problems. If the operational requirements are to identify perpetrators the light level is not sufficient at the moment and additional lighting would be required. Infra red cameras do not have a very good range. Noted that the costs of installing CCTV in this case are much more than the vandalism costs. The meeting was re opened.


05.   Matters Arising

CCTV for Pavilion - Following the presentation by Mr Butler it was proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that the provision of CCTV for the Pavilion is not pursued. Cllrs Oates and Tucker opposed the proposal.

Progress with Anglian Water re Church Rd smell – noted that further readings have been taken and this is with their legal dept.

Access track to Pits – report still awaited from D Whipps.

Provision of extra pitch – no reply received from Mr Moore. Noted he now has a pitch elsewhere.

Church Road footway – work is due to start next week. PC unhappy with new path alignment. Cllr Waters to check plan against road markings 20th Sept.


06.   Working Party reports

a.       Planning 05/01585/LBC – Oakdale, The Street – re instatement of window – proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no comment

05/01648/FUL – 19 Meadway – proposed single storey extension – Cllr Waters left the room. Proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed – no comment.

05/01643/ELD – Oakwood Farm, Hedingham Road – application for certificate of lawfulness – as the Parish Council had no evidence to the contrary it was proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed that while the Parish Council could not make any conflicting claims regarding the application it remained in objection to the lifting of the agricultural tenancy as this method had been used in the past as a means of getting new buildings in open countryside.

b.       The Pits – Wardens report circulated. Meeting closed for Roger Smith to explain future works. Noted that coppicing work taking place behind 82 Edmund Green is at the Resident’s expense. Small trees behind no 84 have Dutch elm disease. All work has BDC permission. Noted that the Parish Council will have to maintain the new disability gate. A second gate is needed at the car park. Cannot be put across ECC footpath. Gate could be sited in dilapidated part of fence round car park. Approx cost £170. A small bridge will be required to cross ditch. Map of Pits has been supplied to Fire Brigade. Simon Amstutz completed letter of intent for grant from Aggregates Levy Fund. Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed that this grant application proceeds. Three quotations for coppicing work had been received, D Whiting being the cheapest. Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey that the quote for £650 from D Whiting for coppicing work be accepted. Cllr Oates objected to proposal. Sum for second gate to be included in 06/07 budget. Roger to report to Clerk on further items to be included in budget. Walk to be arranged for Councillors to see progress in Pits.

c.        Playing Field Management Committee - PFMC requested letter from PC confirming ownership and insurance of tractor. Review of the play area in light of the ROSPA report carried out by Cllrs Hough, Paterson and Tucker. Following points need attention – swing clamps – 2 new clamps required to move swings. Clerk to try Wicksteeds.

See saw – repairs needed to wetpour – Clerk to obtain quotation.

Roundabout – Cllr Waters to find installation instructions and consult with Malcolm Osborne.

Slide supports rusting and extension required to surface.                       

Fence round play area and perimeter in need of replacement/repair. Clerk to obtain quotations for fencing from Mr Geoff Cox, (Essex and Suffolk Contractors) Home Farm, from Adam Whitehead, Sloe Hill Halstead and from Colin Wild.

Repainting of Pavilion – proposed by Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed to accept request from T Harrington to paint exterior of Pavilion at an approx cost of £100 for paint. Cllr Waters against proposal.

  d.   Footpaths – Cllr McMillan concerned at lorries using Shardlowes access track    impinging on footpath and also exiting late at night.  Advised to report concerns to enforcement officer at BDC.

e.      Skate ramp – Funding now £13,750 - £3000 from the Maurice Rowson Trust, £5000 from Awards For All, £5000 from the Rural Communities Development Fund, £500 from the Fete and £250 from the Golf Day. The Committee’s preferred ramp is supplied by GBH and is all steel with a bitumus coating and cost £12,995 plus vat, or £13,995 with sound deadening fitted. A dance is to be held on 22nd Oct to raise further funds. Noted GBH felt that proposed siting is too close to the bungalows in Hall Drive and would cause noise problems. A new plan was circulated showing ramp located half way down west side of field. Essex Football Assoc. is happy with position of ramp in relation to football pitch. New position closer to play area for supervision and groups play equipment together. Concern expressed by Cllr Oates re bike/foot traffic across the corner of the football pitch. Noted that the pitch could be roped off for protection. It would be possible to move the ramp if further land were purchased. This matter to be referred to the PFMC meeting on 26th September. Proposed Cllr Wardle seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that the new siting for the skate ramp is the preferred position of the Parish Council. Cllr Oates opposed the proposal.


07.   District Councillor’s Report

Noted that restrictions have been placed on Gosfield Hall licensing application, building to be used for civil marriages only and the use of fireworks is still to be resolved. Cllr Broyd disappointed re Shardlowes planning permission for sweeper lorries, only recourse now is enforcement. Disappointed that the Church Road footway is not to be as originally suggested. The Golf Club license application is yet to be considered, this could be controversial. 


08.    Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Pawsey – BALC AGM and Rural Policing Vision – these two reports to be circulated to members.

Cllrs Waters and Wardle – Parish Plans training course – this had been quite useful and included information on funding. Noted it recommended that Councillors do not draw up Parish Plans.

Cllr Waters – licensing application for Green Man – condition inserted in license re noise levels audible in residential premises. Also notices to be posted re leaving the premises quietly and no music allowed in the garden.

Cllrs Oates and Tucker – CCTV training – hand out to be circulated to members.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Oates – funding for play area – as many play areas have been closed people are travelling from surrounding towns to use our play area. Cllr Oates suggested that Chris Trim (Business Support Officer at BDC) be approached for financial help towards play area. Agreed Clerk to write.       

Cllr Waters – proposal to re draw PFMC Terms of Reference. Proposed revisions       circulated. To be discussed at next meeting.

Cllr Waters – requirements to make tractor road worthy – insurance and licensing information obtained, Clerk to follow up.

        Cllr Wardle – proposal re Council spokesman – proposal circulated. Magazine article to be circulated, item to be discussed at next meeting.

10.   Correspondence

Gosfield United Football Club – Scarecrow Weekend – explanation of the Clubs position re playing on Scarecrow weekend. Clerk to acknowledge.

Essex County Council – Community Solutions Fund – form forwarded by Parish Transport Rep – to be circulated for comments. Also to be put on Parish Cluster Agenda.

11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Roy Mortimer had offered to plant daffodils for the PC at a cost of £30 per 400.                        Agreed to ask MR Mortimer to plant early flowering daffs at Edmund Green subject to the approval of BDC.

Complaints received from BDC tenants that fences were being painted without prior necessary repair. Cllr Pawsey to bring up at Estates Inspection end September.

Land adjoining playing field – Proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that the Clerk write to Mr Watson Steele asking for the price per acre for say 3 acres and also for a larger parcel of land. The matter is to be considered when a price is available.

12.   Financial Matters

Report of the External Auditor – noted that an intermediate audit had been carried out. Comments made by the Auditor –

Financial Regulations require updating – Clerk to action.

Comprehensive assessment of all key risks faced by the Council in relation to key activities to be carried out – Clerk to action.

Fidelity guarantee insurance considered low – current figure £35,000. Agreed to increase this to £45,000 at an additional cost of £5.25 per annum. This sum is to be added to insurance premium now due.

Lighting maintenance contract – noted this should have been renewed in April, nothing has been heard from Cartledge. Clerk to look into using Just Lamps, with a clause that allows for cancellation at a months notice.

Items for inclusion in 06/07 Budget – insurance for skate ramp, repair costs for field perimeter fence, £500 capital expenditure for playing field. Price to obtained from Mortimers for cutting field – outfield only.

Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Paterson, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1.


Noted that a grant of £132 has been obtained towards the cost of the newsletter from Essex Rural Activity Grant Scheme.


The meeting closed at approximately 10.10 pm



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
