Minutes 20th February 2006


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 20th February 2006 in the Maurice Rowson Hall

Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough, D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, P Wardle, R Waters. J Main (Clerk)

In attendance: County Councillor J Pike, R Smith (Pits Warden), and five members of the public.

01. Apologies for Absence: District Councillor Broyd, Cllr Paterson

02. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Pawsey declared a personal interest in tree application, 16 Meadway.

03. Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th January 2006: Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Jarvis and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2006 be signed by the Chairman as a true record.

04. Public Session

The meeting was closed for County Cllr Pike who spoke on the difficulties faced by ECC in trying to keep Council Tax rises to a minimum. Mr Turbin pointed out the problems faced by pensioners meeting the rise. Cllr Pike assured the meeting that ECC are not complacent about the plight of pensioners. Mr Turbin congratulated the Council on the long awaited replacement light outside The Grange. He also suggested a cull on drakes at the Pits - noted this would not be allowed. Moving them had been tried in the past and had not been successful. The meeting was reopened.

05. Matters Arising

Use of Pavilion for meetings - noted the position adopted by the Council was that the Pavilion would not be run in competition with the Hall, if the Hall was available it would be used for meetings.

Progress on lighting repairs - noted the new lantern in the Street was now fitted, EDF to reconnect the supply. Still waiting for EDF to reconnect light in Church Road. Vat position re village Hall - item carried over to future meeting.

06. Working Party reports

a. Planning 06/00118/FUL Gosfield Place Lodge erection of stables - proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed - no comment 06/00265/TPO 16 Meadway tree work - felt that the tree is sufficiently far from the house not to cause problems and subsidence in School Park is due to foundation problems rather than trees. It is not felt necessary to fell this tree. Proposed Cllr McMillan, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that this application be recommended for refusal. Cllr Pawsey left the room for this item. Noted that the Lime recently pollarded at North Lodge had been reported to BDC Landscape Officer.

b. The Pits - meeting closed for Mr Smith to update on works carried out. Meeting reopened.

Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed that Mr Smith be authorised to spend £40 on new notices for the Reserve. Pit Warden salary to be discussed at the next meeting. Noted that the Reserve is improving all the time - congratulations extended to Mr Smith and his volunteers.

c. Playing Field Management Committee - Cllr Paterson not present for report. Cllr Pawsey thanked Mr Smith, Cllr Waters, Cllr Jarvis and Mr Strudwick for their hard work replacing the fence around the play area. Revision of Terms of Reference - amendments from PFMC taken into account. The question of donations/charges (item 11) considered. Clerk to investigate the implications re rateable value/rates payable with BDC of donations v. charges for the next meeting.

Clerk to forward revised copy excluding item 11 to PFMC and to all Councillors before next meeting.

d. Footpaths - nothing to report

e. Skatepark - Football Club have agreed to lock the gate to skate ramp while games are in progress. ROSPA now happy with position behind goal on the understanding that fence is in place and gate locked while games in progress. Fence to be 1,2m chain link, quotations sought for fencing. Site plan shown to meeting, noted the site impinges on the car park by a maximum of 18 inches. Money for the fencing required, PFMC to be approached for grant at their next meeting.

f. Newsletter - noted first year completed, agreed to continue, grant to cover cost for further year. Cost of advertising to go up from £15 pa to £20 pa. Cllr Tucker to investigate cost of colour map of conservation area showing TPOs for future edition.

07. District Councillor's Report

Report from Cllr Broyd read out, highlighting the following: BDC Council Tax increase should be agreed at 4.3%. The issue re Council housing stock is still far from being resolved. Cllr Broyd concerned that Gosfield Hall is to get unrestricted use of "quiet fireworks" and that three of their floodlights have been approved. Discussion still to take place on other lights.

08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Pawsey and Cllr Waters - Parish Cluster Meeting at Gosfield. Noted Adrian Corder-Birch (Clerk for Sible) appointed as Cluster Clerk, costs to be shared by cluster parishes. Police matters raised at meeting largely concerning Sible Hedingham and Gt Yeldham. PCSO Deb Green apologised for lack of presence in Gosfield, but she was needed elsewhere. First responders discussed, noted those covering Gosfield came from Halstead. Provision of salt bins - Parishes now have to pay ECC for these. A report was given on the proposals for Local Government reorganisation. Clerk to write to Sarah Moutard thanking her for her help at the meeting in the absence of the Clerk.

Cllr Pawsey - Traffic Liaison meeting - Noted Highways are in discussion with Sat. Nav. manufacturers as these are responsible for increasing number of heavy lorries through the villages. Proposals put forward for Parishes to be able to purchase mobile flashing speed signs. Suggested purchase of sign between Parishes for use within the

cluster. To be looked into when further information available. Noted Police mobile sign may reappear in the village at the end of March.

09. Members Items

Cllr McMillan - proposal to cull squirrels and magpies at the Nature Reserve- report

on this proposal prepared by Roger Smith circulated to Cllrs. After discussion Cllr

McMillan withdrew his proposal.

Cllr Tucker - concerned re width of footpaths due to bank erosion - muddy narrow

paths are not conducive to the encouragement of walking. Clerk to write to Highways

particularly concerning parts of The Street, Hedingham Road and Braintree Road.

Cllr Oates - Church Road smell - Clerk to chase up Anglian Water for a progress

report. Cllr Pike also to be asked to write.

Concern re sprouting tree stump on greensward opposite the Shop - to be carried

forward to the next meeting.

10. Correspondence

Mrs Maragkakis - permission to plant memorial tree - agreed. Clerk to liaise with Mr

Crowe and PFMC re type and position. Tree to replace one of those cut down


RCCE Best kept village competition - agreed to enter. Form passed to Cllr Waters.

BDC Business Continuity Management Presentation - apologies to be sent.

BDC Parish Council Forum - Cllr Pawsey to attend

11. Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Letter from BDC regarding changes to the Planning system read out. Noted that Planning Committee will be required to enable comments to be returned in time to be included in decision-making process. Committee members agreed as Cllr Pawsey, Cllr Waters, Cllr Wardle and Cllr Jarvis. This committee will consider all planning applications that cannot go the monthly Parish Council meeting due to time constraints. Meetings to be held in the Pavilion, agendas to be properly posted. If the Committee feels the whole Council should consider the application, an extraordinary Parish Council meeting will be called.

Planning application Liston Hall Farm - noted this is the first application under the new system. An Extraordinary meeting to be called Monday 6th March to consider the application.

Cllr Pawsey reiterated that Parish Councillors must only attend meetings at BDC as Councillors if they are sent with the expressed approval of the Council to attend on its behalf. In the absence of approval Cllrs must attend as members of the public.

12. Financial Matters

Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Hough, seconded Cllr Jarvis and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1 in the total of £3190.56

The meeting closed at approximately 9.30 pm