Minutes 20th June 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 20th June 2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough,

D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: County Councillor J Pike, District Councillor B Broyd, R Smith (Pits Warden), and 7 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: none


02.   Declarations of Interest: none


03.   Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Minutes of the Parish Council meeting – all held on 16th May proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Patterson and agreed that the minutes of these meetings be signed as a true record.

        Minutes of the extraordinary Meeting held on 25th May – proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Patterson and agreed that these minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting subject to the following correction – County Councillor J Pike to be added to the list of those in attendance.


04.   Public Session

The meeting was closed for members of the public to speak. Sir Anthony Denison-Smith gave a presentation on the implications of the planning application at Liston Hall Farm. Noted that this application also involves Wethersfield and Sible PCs. Concern expressed re width of road, safety for ramblers/bikers/horses, damage to road surface and grass verges. Concerns noted.

County Cllr Pike introduced himself to the meeting. Noted that he is following the Colne Skips application closely. Meeting reopened.


05.   Matters Arising

Colne Skips activities on Cory site – Enforcement Officer monitoring this. Travellers have now moved off site. Noted that gate at rear of site is missing.

Grass cutting at Kings Head triangle – noted that Roger Smith had kindly cut this.

Progress on Kwik cricket – invitations had been sent out to 14 primary schools, responses due back by 24/6. 5 refusals received. Dependent on remaining replies this may be deferred to next year.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning

05/01054/COU – Liston Hall Farm – conversion to office units and ancillary storage – proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed – recommend refusal on highways grounds. Cllr Waters abstained from this vote.

05/00961/FUL – Mortyn House, The Street – erection of building incorporating car port and granny annexe – proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no comment, however it would be expected that the usual conditions on single family occupancy and rights re development of outbuildings be applied.

Cllr Pawsey took the opportunity to apologise to the Council for the confusion over whether to hold a vote at the extraordinary meeting to discuss planning application at Petersfield Farm.

b.      The Pits

Warden’s report noted. Reported that ragwort had not yet appeared. BDC have changed the definition of trees covered under TPOs from 8 inches at chest height to 3 inches diameter at 1.5 meters. Kissing gate was in the current program and should be installed in the near future. Noted no tidying will take place in Pits until wildflowers have set seed. After discussion with Graham Pratt of BDC, BTCV will come for two days in autumn re coppicing. It was agreed that the PC will pay the cost of £200 for BTCV. J Firmin of the British Moth Society to carry out moth survey in July/August. Janet Collins, licensed bat worker, to carry out survey of boxes. The owner of the access road to the car park still not identified.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee

Meeting held 23/5. Noted that the tractor is unlicensed, is not insured for road use, uses red diesel, not necessarily roadworthy. Has cutters fixed on back and fitted with smooth tyres. If required to be used at Pits, necessary alterations could be carried out.

Rails at path to play area – following advice from ROSPA, Clerk to contact Matt Jarvis re getting the rails made.  Noted that public liability insurance for scarecrow weekend not yet received. Mobile youth club report problems accessing field – gates locked. Cllr Jarvis to check youth club visiting times. Clerk to follow up.

d.      Footpaths - Nothing to report.

e.      Skate ramp

  Quotations for ramps of different manufacture being considered. Half pipe only now     being considered. Grant applications to Young Peoples Fund and Rural Development Fund. Noted that the rules for the latter grant have now changed, more than one grant from this body can be applied for. Results of applications will be known in September. Fete committee may consider a grant if they have a successful day. Noted young people have not undertaken any fundraising. Cllr Oates had approached Essex Environment Trust re possibility of grant, they had been quite positive. The possible provision of a youth shelter was raised.


07.   District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Broyd reported the following – 1 Meadway appeal dismissed. No developments on Petersfield Lane application. No date yet fixed for discussion on supermarket /football pitch applications. Future of the Councils housing stock discussed 20/6. Cllr Oates queried delivery of refuse sacks on a Sunday – noted that this has no cost implications for the village. Councillors pay rise of 86% queried – noted that this rate had risen from a very low point, rise set by outside independent body, the last small increase had taken place in 2000. Braintree Councillors had been some of the lowest paid in the country, still only 7th in Essex if the rise is approved. Noted that Councillor Broyd has never claimed anything other than his flat rate payment.


08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Pawsey – visit to Colne Skips at Hungary Hall – noted the site is relatively clean, with no smell. Building to be set in a “scrape” to reduce visual impact. Crushing to be carried out in consultation with neighbours. Revised planning application not yet submitted. Noted approx 70% of vehicles will probably turn left out of the site, avoiding the village. Applicants have worked to overcome previous objections, future objection to the site will be difficult to sustain.

Cllr Pawsey – Highways meeting 20/6 – highways are working to complete backlog before starting new schemes.


09.   Members Items

Cllr McMillan – sweeper building at Shardlowes Farm – noted there had been no notification of a decision on this application – Clerk to chase.

Cllr Waters – copy of model form of sinking fund to Clerk to copy and return.

Cllr Pawsey – seat at The Limes – noted the seat was rotten and had been repaired. The removal of other seat at The Limes to outside the Village Hall was discussed. Clerk to write to Village Hall Management Committee to seek permission to resite seat outside door to Hall. Seat would need securing to wall.

Cllr Oates – damage to Pavilion – noted Goose and roof tiles damaged. Proposed investigation of CCTV to protect the efforts of P2000 in raising money for Pavilion. Quotations to be sought, previous info to be located by Clerk, funding investigated. Advice of Crime Prevention Officer to be sought by Cllr Broyd. To be discussed at the next meeting.

Cllr McMillan – Halstead Road white lined then tar chipped over – complaints have been received over this, white lining to be re done.

Cllr Pawsey – complaints received  re overgrown hedge in Hedingham Road – Clerk to report to Highways.


10.   Correspondence

BT realignment of payphone provision – proposal to change Braintree Rd payphone to cashless phone – agreed.

Colin Turbin – letter re overgrown street lights – remedy to be sought, Clerk to reply

BAA Stansted – only one copy of info required, to be circulated via Clerk.

T Forecast – parking at Greenfields – noted Cllr Jarvis has been monitoring the situation, car not parked since 11th June. Noted police have no powers, car parked 10metres from junction. Yellow lines 15metres from Junction could be applied – not ideal solution as would be an eyesore. Cllr Jarvis to continue to monitor. Clerk to reply to Mr Forecast.

BDC Parish Rangers meeting 28th June – Cllr Wardle to attend. Clerk to reply.

BDC Planning workshop – 26th July Cllrs Waters and Jarvis to attend. Clerk to reply.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent - None reported.


12.   Financial Matters

Accounts for Payment Proposed Cllr Wardle seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that the cheques be signed as per appendix 1.

Annual Return 2004/2005 Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the Annual Return be signed by the Chairman as a true record.



The meeting closed at approximately 9.45 pm


Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
