Minutes 21st November 2005



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 21st November 2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough,

D Jarvis, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk) Cllr McMillan joined the meeting at approx 9pm


In attendance: 12 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: District Cllr Broyd, Cllr McMillan


02.   Declarations of Interest: Cllr Waters declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application, 13 Meadway.


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th October: proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th October be signed by the Chairman as a true record.


04.   Public Session

County Cllr Pike not in attendance. The meeting was closed for members of the public to make representations. Mr Sargeant raised questions of soundproofing and problems with welds on skate ramp at Feering. Noted that soundproofing is to be fitted and funding is available for this, Cllr Jarvis to check the manufacturer of the ramp at Feering. Noted GBH have to comply with ROSPA 20 point checklist before they supply the equipment. Location for ramp dependent on ROSPA advice to GBH, either on the left hand side of the field or adjacent to the car park. Latter site has approval of PFMC. Risk assessment to be carried out when ROSPA have stated preferred site. Skating will be prohibited when a football match is in progress, signs will be posted and this will be advertised in the Grapevine.

Mr Edwards concerned re noise from M R Hall at recent birthday party. Details to be passed to Cllr Jarvis as PC representative on the Hall committee. Mr Edwards also requested a copy of the Terms of Reference of the PFMC – Cllr Waters to supply. Noted that website is being updated, minutes to be posted on the website in the near future. The meeting was re opened.


05.   Matters Arising

Proposal re Council spokesperson – agreed that Cllr Pawsey would act as sole Council spokesperson. Noted that if any Cllr writes or speaks to the press they must make it clear that they are speaking in a private capacity.

PFMC Terms of Reference – Cllr Waters had produced a revised update. Clerk to copy this to PFMC for them to consider at their next meeting. Revised terms and PFMC comments on them to be considered at January PC meeting.

Licensing of tractor – noted that the tractor would need considerable expenditure to make it road worthy as it required headlights, rear/brake lights, indicators and a flashing light on top. Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that the Clerk would not proceed with licensing the tractor.

06/07 Budget – revised budget figures had been circulated. After considerable discussion it was proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed that the Precept form be signed by the Chairman for the sum of £18745, equivalent to £33.68 per Band D property, a rise of approx 7% over last year. Revised budget to be circulated to Cllrs by Clerk and information to be included in Grapevine when space permits.  Noted that all organisations granted funds by the PC must prove that the money has been spent as agreed.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning - 05/02051/ - 5 Halstead Road - proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Waters and agreed – no comment.

05/02125/FUL – 13 Meadway – proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed – no comment. Cllr Waters left the room for this item.

b.      The Pits – Wardens report pre circulated. Agreed the interpretation boards for the Pits to be titled Gosfield Nature Reserve. Improvement in water quality at the horseshoe pond noted. River Colne Countryside Project AGM – no Cllrs able to attend, clerk to write to S Amstutz giving apologies.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee – Three firms had not responded to the request for quotations for repairing/replacing the fencing round the play area. Quotations received from R Smith for all work and from M Drury for new gate only. Noted the quote from R Smith uses volunteer labour. Proposed Cllr Hough, seconded Cllr Patterson and agreed that the quote from R Smith in the sum of £850.41 be accepted. Clerk to reply to R Smith and M Drury. Monthly play equipment checklist now in use, noted the monthly timescale a minimum acceptable. Night time activity on the field – position to be monitored. It may be necessary to consider closing the field at night. Gate by play area to be chained up at night. PFMC to action. Noted area inside gate to play area muddy – Cllr Waters to inspect. Next meeting of PFMC 28th November.

Community Initiatives Fund – give grants for play equipment. Clerk to circulate information on play equipment. Committee to be formed to consider new equipment for the play area. Clerk to advertise for community involvement in the shop and on boards, Cllr Waters to put on website. Responses to Clerk or Cllr Pawsey by Dec 9th.

d.      Footpaths – nothing to report.

e.      Skatepark – reported under public session. Maintenance - noted that GBH recommend that the ramp is repainted twice a year to maintain grip and quote an estimated outlay of 0.5% of capital outlay for maintenance.


07.   District Councillor’s Report – Cllr Broyd unable to attend.


08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Oates – Financial Risk assessment – report circulated. Noted that all items raised at this meeting will be included in the revised Financial Regs to be produced.

Cllr Pawsey  - Scrutiny Panel – raised concerns at BDC budget.

Cllr Pawsey – Highways – meeting held to discuss problems raised by scarecrow weekend. Noted license required for event, permission required to site anything near highways (highway is hedge to hedge irrespective of who owns the verge), proper road signage suggested, anyone selling teas etc must hold food hygiene certificate. All correspondence from Highways to G Roy will be copied to the PC for information.

Cllr McMillan – Scrutiny panel - planning

09.   Members Items

Cllr Waters – progress chasing – agreed Clerk to indicate responsibility for action on minutes as a reminder.

Cllr Oates – Church Rd smell – independent testing company now completed monitoring sewer, results to be analysed and results sent to Anglian Water. Offender to be prosecuted if septic waste discharged into sewer.


10.   Correspondence

 ECC Library Service  -Clerk to respond

Fete Committee re closure of field 2006 – proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed that the field be closed on 8th July 2006 for the village fete. Clerk to respond to Fete Committee.

Community Solutions Fund – correspondence to be passed to W Pasfield of the Seniors.

St Catherine’s – Carol Service – Cllr Patterson to read lesson, carol See amid the winter’s snow.               

Mr Self  - trees rear of 74 Edmund Green – Clerk to respond giving the position of the PC.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Success of the playing field in this years EPFA competition noted. Clerk to write to Mr Harrington with congratulations. Certificates to be framed to hang in the Pavilion – Cllr Tucker to action.


12.   Financial Matters


Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Hough, seconded Cllr Patterson and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1.




Noted that the December meeting of the Parish Council is to take place on Monday 12th December and will start at 7 pm. The first fifteen minutes of the meeting will be held without the public to discuss Personnel matters. The public are invited to attend at 7.15pm


The meeting closed at approximately 9.35pm 



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
