Minutes 25th May 2005 (Extraordinary Meeting



Minutes of the extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the    25th May 2005 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman),

D Jarvis, G Oates, J Paterson.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: District Councillor B Broyd, Mr and Mrs M Butler, Mr C Butler, Mr Stone, Mr Attenborough (Halstead Gazette) and 36 members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: Cllrs Hough, McMillan, Wardle and Waters


02.   Declarations of Interest: none


03.   Planning Application 05/00891/COU – Petersfield Farm

The meeting was closed to allow members of the public to view the plans and put questions to the Applicant.

District Councillor Broyd pointed out that residents have every right to object to the plans by writing to BDC. Cllr Jarvis emphasised the importance of writing letters rather than signing a petition. The meeting was reopened. It was proposed by Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed that this application be recommended for refusal on the grounds of the unsuitability of the access from either Halstead Road or Braintree Road. A full transcript of the resident’s comments can be obtained from the Clerk.

05/00945/TPOCON – Dial House, The Street – treeworks – in the absence of the tree warden it was agreed to leave this item to BDC.


04.   Skateramp

Rural Resources Development Fund – BDC have £100,000 to distribute over the next two years. Up to £5000 grant available. Noted that an application for a grant for the skate ramp will preclude any application for any other cause in the village for the next two/three years. Proposed Cllr Paterson, seconded Cllr Pawsey and agreed that Cllr Jarvis apply for a grant for the skate ramp.


05.   Finance

Proposed Cllr Pawsey, seconded Cllr Oates and agreed to adopt the Street Scene Partnership with BDC and to raise a cheque for £10 for EPFA competition entry.






The meeting closed at 8.30



Signed…………………………….                                    Date………………………..
