Minutes 3rd May 2005 (Extraordinary meeting)



Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the    3rd May 2005 in the Pavilion


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), 

D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance:  T Harrington, M Smith and G Rayner from the PFMC were in attendance for the second part of the meeting. Jane Westover sent apologies for absence.


Apologies for Absence: Cllr Hough and Cllr Wardle on holiday


Minutes for the first part of this meeting taken by Cllr Paterson in the absence of the Clerk – attached.


Meeting with PFMC:  Cllr Waters walked out of the meeting at this point.


1. Revisions to Management Policy

Refer to amendments document:

Point 1.  agreed

Point 2.  agreed

Point 3.  exterior painting to be left in as responsibility of PC. Noted no rates to be payable on the Pavilion.

Point 4.  Split agreed at one third Parish Council, two thirds PFMC for both water and electricity.

Point 5.  Sinking Fund to be renamed Major Repair Fund.

Point 6.  Rejected – 100% remission on rates depends on Pavilion being operated as donations only. However a list of suggested donations is to be drawn up by PFMC. The words “suggested donations “ to replace “charges”.

Point 7.  First sentence only to be included.

Point 8.  Suggested sentence replaced with “Any complaints concerning the Playing field and the Pavilion should be made in the first instance in writing to the Secretary of the PFMC. Any complaint which cannot be resolved amicably with the PFMC should be referred in writing to the Clerk for resolution by the Parish Council.

Point 9.  Position re Tony and insurance cover to be clarified. Legal position re self employment/employee/sub contractor to be investigated.


2.  Requirements for Scarecrow Weekend

Parking on top of field as per fete for both days - agreed

Area to site Bouncy Castle – agreed


Noted that no formal permission can be given by the PFMC for use of the field until the insurance cover from the Air Ambulance has been seen.




Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
