Minutes 10th April 2006



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 10th April 2006 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), C Hough, D Jarvis, T McMillan, G Oates, J Paterson, P Wardle, and R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: County Councillor J Pike, District Councillor B Broyd, and eleven members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: Cllr Tucker


02.   Declarations of Interest: none declared


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th March 2006: proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that the Chairman sign the minutes of the meeting on 20th March as a true record.


04.   Public Session the meeting was closed for Mrs Myers, Mrs McLeod and Mr and Mrs Platt, residents of Park Lane, to report on problems currently being experienced at Park Lane with private/business traffic from Glen Cottage. Concern was expressed that non-local traffic was not aware of local conditions on this public footpath and that this could cause danger to ramblers and dog walkers. The increase in traffic had also damaged the surface of the Lane. Both the Clerk and Cllr Broyd had made enquiries on behalf of the residents. Noted that Mr Butler required planning permission for the new access track and would have to demonstrate a need for the track for agricultural purposes. BDC Planning are following this up.

County Cllr Pike reported on the forthcoming reorganisations in the NHS and Police service. Noted that local government reorganisation is also under discussion, which could affect Parish Councils.  White paper to be published in May. Mr Turbin asked Cllr Pike for the latest position on Church Road footway. This scheme had failed a safety audit and was now being redrawn; however there would not seem to be sufficient width to accommodate the required width of road and pavement.  Cllr Pike to chase progress.  The meeting was reopened.


05.   Matters Arising

VAT position re village hall – held over to a future meeting.

Planning enforcement matters:  67 Halstead Road - Cllr Broyd had followed this up, no planning breach. TPO map – A1 size necessary to locate all trees, expensive to produce, no room to display. Not felt necessary at this time. 1 Meadway tree – situation to be monitored.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning no applications received.

b.      The Pits report pre circulated. Recent fire at Pits noted. Council congratulated            Roger Smith on the new interpretation boards, an asset to the Pits.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee Last meeting held 27th March, minutes to be circulated shortly. Audited accounts presented to the PC. Noted that T Harrington very pleased with the leaf clearing work carried out by the young people. Terms of Reference referred to the next meeting. BDC Activity Day agreed as 4th August. Young people climbing on the roof had broken some tiles on the roof of the Pavilion; balls kicked against the walls were also doing damage. Next PFMC meeting on 24th April.

d.      Footpaths no problems reported.

e.      Skate ramp A full report had been pre circulated by the Skate ramp committee. Noted £15,148 has been raised to date, ramp cost £13,995, fence approx £500. Therefore sufficient funds are now available for the ramp to be installed. Signage to be provided by GBH to include sign re gate being locked during football matches.  Fence materials must be ordered before installation, project could be completed by Whitsun. Three sides of fence to be erected before ramp installed, then last side of fence. Date of official opening ceremony to be set, possibly to include skateboarding demonstration. The Community Skate ramp Committee was congratulated on a tremendous job done. Proposed Cllr Wardle, seconded Cllr Paterson and agreed that the skate ramp be purchased from and installed by GBH Engineering as per the proposals set out in the Committee’s report. 


07.   District Councillor’s Report Cllr Broyd reported that Braintree Pool would shortly be given approval at a total cost of  £7.5 million.

Noted that wheelie bins would be rolled out to Gosfield in the future. 

67 Halstead Rd – does not amount to a significant change of use, however planning permission might be required if more employees taken on.

Barn Studio – not material change of use as only one on one training.

1 Meadway tree – siting for replacement Dawn Redwood to be approved.


08. Meetings attended by Members none attended.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Waters expressed concern at the lack of progress on updating the Children’s play area. Suggestion made that local schools might be asked what equipment the children would like to see in the play area. Noted new bearing for roundabout £102 (excluding labour), slide repairs costed at £100 as a self-help project. Proposed expenditure to be on agenda for next meeting. Cllr Waters considering an application to the Rural Communities Development Fund.


10.   Correspondence

EPFA Best kept playing field competition – agreed to enter.

Defra Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act – Clerk to download info for files.

RCCP invitation – noted R Smith and Cllr Waters attending.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Siting of Horticultural Society flower troughs – agreed to site either side of entrance to Greenfields. Cllr Pawsey to seek permission from Highways. Notice re Best Kept Village competition to appear in Grapevine.

Parish Partnership Agreement – agreed Cllr Pawsey might sign this document on behalf of the Council at the forthcoming Forum Evening.

Date for Annual Parish Meeting and AGM – agreed these will take place on the same night as the May PC meeting – 15th May in the Bernard Brooks Room at 7pm. APM followed by AGM followed by PC meeting.

Street Scene Partnership Agreement – noted this is materially unchanged from last year’s agreement. Proposed Cllr Oates, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed that this partnership be signed by the Chairman. Agreement received too late to be placed on agenda, required to be returned before the end of April.


12.   Financial Matters

 Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Jarvis and agreed that the cheques be signed as per appendix 1 in the total sum of £1755.17.


Street Lighting Maintenance Contract – noted the current contract with T Cartledge expires of 18th May 2006.

Clerk authorised to look into a possible lighting maintenance contract with Just Lamps.


The meeting closed at approximately 8.40pm



Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
