Minutes 16th January 2006



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th January   2006 in the Maurice Rowson Hall


Present: Councillors M Pawsey (Chairman), A Tucker (Vice Chairman), C Hough,

D Jarvis, T McMillan, P Wardle, R Waters.  J Main (Clerk)


In attendance: four members of the public.


01.   Apologies for Absence: County Cllr Pike, District Cllr Broyd, Cllr Oates, and Cllr Paterson


02.   Declarations of Interest: None declared


03.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th December 2005: proposed Cllr Hough, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th December 2005 be signed by the Chairman as a true record.


04.   Public Session

Cllr Pike absent. Mrs Edwards read a statement from Mr Edwards the main points of which were concern at lack of notification of skate ramp meetings – noted the legal timeframe is complied with. Agreed that the agendas will be posted on the website in future. It is not possible to personally invite members of the public to meetings. Meeting dates are set at previous meetings, dependant on progress. Mr Edwards concerned that meetings are held in private premises – noted this is not illegal, however Clerk to check with Mr Harrington re availability of Pavilion in future. Noted Parish Council meetings are held in the Maurice Rowson Hall to support the Hall trustees.

Mr Turbin sought confirmation that ROSPA were involved with the planning for the skate ramp – confirmed they had been involved at every stage.  He also raised concerns re lack of progress re street light repairs and requested firm action to ensure repairs were carried out. Noted that quote for light at the Grange to be discussed at this meeting, also quote for repairs to light at the Lake. Clerk to write to Mr Turbin giving full explanation of current position and contact names re repairs.


05.   Matters Arising

Review of Parish Emergency Plan – noted this was currently being circulated for comments/additional information prior to adoption.


06.   Working Party reports

a.      Planning 05/02476/ FUL 51 Halstead Road – dropped kerb – noted that this was a minor matter and had been dealt with out of meeting.

b.      The Pits Wardens report circulated. Information re grants received from Mr Mollison to Cllr Waters for consideration. Agreed that Roger Smith apply for Earth Action Day grant in respect of a barn owl box.

c.       Playing Field Management Committee Agreed that Clerk complete grant application in respect of new swings from Sutcliffe Play. If application successful, Sutcliffe to be asked to carry out design survey for whole play area.

Repair of benches – proposed Cllr waters, seconded Cllr Hough and agreed    that the quote received from R Smith in the sum of £80 be accepted for this work. Noted that work to replace fence at children’s play area to be carried out on February 4th.

d.      Footpaths Nothing to report

e.      Skate ramp Cllr Jarvis had spoken to the Clerk at Feering – their problems had arisen from the choice of contractor and type of ramp, problems experienced with bolting of the ramp to the base.  The intended ramp for Gosfield was of a different design. Football Club have agreed to ensure that the gate to the ramp is locked during matches. Information re fence, gate and plans to lock up to be forwarded to ROSPA for agreement. Quote received for ramp insurance, approx £300 pa plus insurance tax. Noted problems re insurance cover applying to the grant from the Rural Development Fund have now been sorted out. Next meeting of skate ramp project 6th Feb. Once ROSPA approval received the proposal will be put to the Parish Council for approval to purchase ramp.


07.   District Councillor’s Report Written report received from Cllr Broyd read out.  Noted that use of caravans in contravention of planning permission by the lake had been investigated and no contravention found. Also noted that issues regarding lighting and fireworks were being discussed on site at Gosfield Hall on 16th Jan. Residents were asked to maintain vigilance following recent local crimes.


08. Meetings attended by Members

Cllr Jarvis attended a meeting of the Maurice Rowson Hall Committee. Concern re noise from parties – noted that no more bookings are to be taken for teenage parties. The position re reclaiming VAT for the Hall Committee was discussed – Cllr Waters to investigate further.


09.   Members Items

Cllr Pawsey – noted that the benches at The Limes would need renovation in the spring. Clerk to obtain a quote from R Smith for action after April.


10.   Correspondence

Mrs Carter re local concerns – noted light levels at Gosfield Corner poor, but cost of new light prohibitive. Salt bin to be replaced at Highlands shortly. Visibility exiting Highlands considered acceptable. Clerk to respond to Mrs Carter.

Letter from church re carol service participation noted.

Halstead Crime Prevention Team request for new members – no comment.

Big Lottery Fund information – to be included in circulation for suggestions.


11.   Any other business the Chair may view as urgent

Numbering of lampposts – noted additional costs approx £80. Work is now underway on affixing the numbers. Cllr Jarvis to provide map for the light numbers to be marked on. Clerk to confirm which lights in the village are not the Parish’s responsibility.

April meeting moved to April 10th to avoid Easter.

Noted Parish cluster 31st January at Gosfield.





12.   Financial Matters

Publication of Accounts Sheet

Agreed that the monthly accounts sheet (Appendix 1) will be published on the Parish website, minus the Clerks salary.

Bolts Account

Agreed that the spending limit on this account without prior permission be limited to £50. R Smith to be the only authorised user of this account.

Quotation for repair of light outside The Grange

Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the quote from T Cartledge in the sum of £372.33 be accepted. The quote from EDF for reconnection of lamp in Church Road is anticipated in the sum of £160. Clerk to action this when quote received.

Accounts for Payment

Proposed Cllr Waters, seconded Cllr Wardle and agreed that the cheques be signed as per Appendix 1.


The meeting closed at approximately 8.45 pm



 NB These minutes are unapproved until the next meeting

Signed…………………………..                                         Date………………………
