Chairman's Report 2014

Highwood Parish Council


I am pleased to present what is now my seventh annual report on the activities of Highwood Parish Council - for the year ending 31st March 2014

The PC has continued to meet every other month to conduct council business and, purely in alphabetical order, I should like to mention ….



Up-to-date accounts have been produced for 31st March 2014 showing that the PC enjoys a bank balance of £30,173 comprising general funds of £15,841, and earmarked reserves of £14,382


Affordable Housing

At last construction has begun of the four affordable homes which form part of The Nest development. These will be made available to local people with a connection with Highwood - and will not later fall under any ‘right to buy’ scheme.


Allotment site, Radley Green

There has not been any request from any resident to take up any of the allotments in Radley Green, so these continue to generate an income for the parish council from the local farmer who leases them.


Children’s Playground, Edney Common

The playground has continued to be maintained and checked to ensure it remains in a safe condition for children to use.



The PC has continued to fund grass cutting of the churchyard to ensure it remains in a tidy and presentable state.



There have been some changes in the make up of the parish council …

i) Zoë Tyler (now Zoë Cain-Tyler) was co-opted onto the council to replace Lyn Cook who resigned early in 2013;

ii) John Heginbotham resigned from the council in May 2013;

iii) Loves Green resident Glenn Dobson was co-opted onto the parish council in July 2013 to replace John Heginbotham … but then resigned earlier this year.

I should like to thank both John and Glenn for their input during their times on the PC; but once again we find ourselves on the lookout for a replacement.


Essex Police

We continue to extend an invitation to the constabulary to attend parish council meetings but, with our PCSO having her working hours cut and the pressure on the remaining officers, their attendance has been sadly missed this year.




Mr David Taylor has continued in his role as an excellent parish footpaths’ officer; thanks go to David for his sterling work. It involves not only walking them regularly, but David also attends to basic maintenance whenever he is able.


Litter Pick

The unseasonably wet start to 2014, plus a lack of volunteer organisers, meant that no council sponsored litter pick took place before the undergrowth really took off to mask the rubbish. It is hoped that one might be arranged for later this year once the weeds etc have begun to abate.


The Nest

At last, things are starting to happen at this long gestating site. Construction has begun, and at least two parish councillors have availed themselves of the invitation to pay a visit to inspect the works. Disruption to village life has been negligible and the Site Manager, Darren Anderson, has made himself available whenever issues have arisen, and I am most grateful to him.


Notice Boards

The PC would like to express its thanks to Martin Goddard for continuing to maintain the five notice boards (and our bus stop shelters) around the parish.


Parish Magazine

The PC has continued to fund the production of the monthly magazine - a high quality publication worthy of Highwood, produced twelve times a year. We are all very grateful to Emily Young for taking over the reins of editorship; as well as the small unsung army of volunteer distributors. It is pleasing to note how Emily is stamping her particular style on each issue.


Remembrance Day

As in previous years, the PC supplied a wreath for the war memorial.

As has become the norm, the chairman laid the wreath during last year’s Highwood Church Remembrance Service.


Speeding vehicles

Traffic speed is a recurring theme at PC meetings; the Essex Police ‘Speedwatch’ scheme in which local volunteers use a hand held speed meter to measure speed of passing vehicles continues. Cllr Peter Latham runs our ‘Speedwatch’ sessions.


Thanks over the past year go to ….

Village Agent

Brenda Smith attends most PC meetings and has continued to help parishioners with a variety of concerns. The PC wishes to express thanks to Brenda for her continued help.


Louise Fuller has continued in her role as clerk, capably managing the affairs of the parish council - and to her I offer continued thanks.


I should like to thank both our Essex County Councillor, John Aldridge and our Chelmsford City Councillor, Nicolette Chambers, who have continued to offer help and support to the PC, as well as attending our meetings whenever they are able.


Village Hall Land

The process of procuring the plot of land contiguous with the Village Hall site continues at glacier speed. Once the sale and transfer to the parish council is eventually completed, it is our intention to look into establishing a children’s playground on it.


In conclusion, I should like to thank my fellow councillors for their help and encouragement throughout the past year.

It must be said that, at times, expressions of frustration have been made about quite how small our sphere of influence appears to be. It is regrettable that we don’t have command over a fleet of JCB’s with attachments for clearing out blocked drainage ditches, or cutting back overgrown roadside hedges; that our views on various planning applications seem to be at variance to the decisions reached; that we don’t have an army of road menders that we can despatch once potholes appear (or when road-signs disappear); that all we can do is make phone calls or send letters and emails, in the (often vain) hope that someone at the other end takes notice ….

I don’t know if there ever were halcyon days when things were different, but if they did ever exist, it was long before I joined the parish council.

Rest assured, we will continue to do the best we can to improve the quality of life for the good citizens of Highwood parish.

This concludes my 2014 report …


David Cameron

Chairman – Highwood PC