Minutes of both our AGM and Open Meetings




Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Baker Hall, Kirby CrossFriday 28th April 2006 

Present :- Chairman –Ray Enever,Vice Chairman-Eric Parnham, Secretary- Bob Gibbs, Committee Members – Marion Wright, Peter Wright, Joan Gurden, Brian Theadom, Hazel Enever  and 52 members .     

          1. The Minutes of the AGM held on 27th April 2005 were

          confirmed and signed.  

2    Matters Arising. A member queried whether action had been taken in respect of Minute 8(d). The   Secretary assured the members that he had asked for the Police to assist in this matter but that he would repeat the request.


3.       Chairmans Report. The chairman reported that he had been to a meeting with the Chief Constable

      of   Essex when the new ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ plans were discussed and he briefly explained them.

      He explained that the PCSO’s were not expected to patrol alone after 4pm. Even before that time when 

      two were  seen patrolling together one may be a trainee under Instruction.        

                   4.    Secretarys report Roads and pavements

During the past year we have looked into numerous incidents regarding the roadways and footpaths in the area. Most of the items have been resolved although one or two remain a problem, in particular the pavement or lack of it on the corner of Village Way and the lay-by in Frinton Road which the Council has promised to remove but has yet failed to do so. During the year the responsibility for roads etc in the area became that of Essex CC and not Tendring DC. The speed of traffic in Thorpe road continues to give concern and it is unfortunate that our efforts to have the speed indicator machines employed were successful just as the Tendring Hundred Water Co. decided to replace the mains. We hope to get the machines returned as and when they complete the work. We have discussed with Essex.CC the situation of Pedestrian Crossings in Frinton Road and near the Post Office in Kirby le Soken.


We have attempted to get a number of huge Fir trees felled at the rear of Woburn Avenue. There is a dispute as to who owns the land. The farmer or the householder. The house has now been sold and I have spoken to solicitors for both parties and the farmer and asked them to resolve the matter. We also looked into the problem of trees on the footpath which runs between Buckfast Avenue and Village Way. Eventually the council (TDC at the time) admitted that the owner of the ground on which the path runs is unknown and the council only have a responsibility to keep it clear. It would appear therefore that any resident affected could remove the trees themselves.




We started the year by objecting to the application to build 49 houses on the Bridgemans site. We and others failed and the application to build was granted. We also objected to plans to build a small estate of 16 dwellings in Holland Road between the mini roundabout and the railway bridge. In this we were successful but another application has now been made to build a car showroom and service centre in the same location. We have again objected. A number of applications have been made in connection with the ground at the rear of and adjacent to the ‘One Stop’ shop. All have failed.  We objected to the demolition of a house in Thorpe Road to be replaced by four houses. We were successful and the application has been refused but another application has now been received. We are concerned that the precedent set by knocking down perfectly serviceable houses with decent size gardens and replacing them with three and more homes will eventually change the whole character of the area. We as a committee on your behalf have decided to object to all planning applications where the number of dwellings is increased and on each occasion we draw the Councils attention to the lack of infrastructure to support the additional people.

  5.      Treasurers Report 

 In the absence of the Treasurer the Secretary presented the accounts and proposed that they be adopted.    The motion was seconded by Brian Theadom and confirmed by the members.

 6.      Membership   

The membership Secretary otherwise known as Ray Enever informed the meeting that the membership stood at 213 and that he would like to see more members from Kirby le Soken recruited.


7.      Election of Officers.  

The Chairman stated that he had had no new nominations for the Committee and that all existing members were willing to stand. He proposed that the Committee be re-elected en bloc. This was seconded by Brian Theadom and confirmed by the members.


8.      Any Other Business 

             The Chairman raised the subject of rats and informed the meeting that we were suffering a plague of

             the creatures particularly in the area which adjoined and backed onto the Railway Lines but there

             were other areas too. The Council and Rail Track had been informed and the Chairman pressed the

             members not to put chicken carcases etc outside overnight for the birds as it was not the birds but the

             rats which benefited.


9.      Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Jeremy Wordingham


The meeting closed at 9.45pm

Kirby Residents Association Minutes of the Annual Open Meeting held at St. Michaels Church Hall Kirby le SokenWednesday 18th October 2006 

Present:-  Chairman- Ray Enever, Vice Chairman- Eric Parnham, Secretary- Bob Gibbs, Treasurer –Jeremy

Wordingham. Committee members Marion Wright, Peter Wright, Joan Gurden, Brian Theadom , Hazel Enever.

Altogether 46 persons were present.

  1.  The Minutes of the open Meeting held on 22nd November 2005 were read confirmed and signed.

      2.     Matters Arising . There were no matters arising.


      3.     Chairmans Report.   The Chairman welcomed all present and said that the Association was in good health but could do with more members from KLS.


      4.     Presentation by Rural Housing Trust.  The Chairman introduced  Miss Ann Bishop and Mr. Barry Lampard to the meeting and they gave an excellent presentation on the work of the Rural Housing Trust and how it was meant to assist local people obtain affordable housing. There were many questions which they answered satisfactorily.

At  the end it was the feeling of the meeting that although they now understood the position they did not want any additional housing in the village.  Bob Gibbs thanked the reps of the Rural Housing Trust and they left the meeting.


      5.     Secretary’s Report.   The Secretary reported that in respect of Planning Matters we have had some success during the past year. Our objections were successful in relation to an application to build a car showroom in Clare Road with access to and from Holland Road.. We were also successful in objecting to backland development in Turpins Lane and a block of twelve flats in Station Road.  So far as KLS was concerned we had objected successfully to applications concerning ‘Tamarisk’, Anchor Cottage and the Garage site.


The policy of the association as laid down by the AGM is to object to most planning applications which increase the number of dwellings or increases the population by an appreciable amount.


The trees mentioned in last years report in Woburn Avenue have at last been felled In addition we have persuaded the council to fell a dead tree at the junction of Frinton Road and Holland Road.


With regard to speed through the two villages we have had some partial success. Essex CC have agreed to paint a 30mph roundel on the roadway in Thorpe Road and as a result of pressure from Councillor Bucke have agreed to put a gate at the edge of the village coming from Thorpe similar to the one near the cemetery. A similar suggestion for KLS has met with doubts from Essex CC as it’s location at the 30mph start has little room at the sides of the road to build the gateway. We will shortly be having the mobile speed indicators for use in Thorpe Road and hope to get them for use in KLS at a later date.


     6.      Treasurers Report.     Jeremy reported that the Association had a balance of £1142.91 in the bank and a small cash float.


     7.       Membership Report   Ray stated that the membership stood at 220 members which was about in line with previous years. He stated that we lacked numbers of members in KLS.


    8.         Any Other Business   The village sign at KLS was mentioned and it was stated that work was in hand to have it renovated.


Councillor Bucke mentioned that the cash due from Barretts when a certain number of dwellings had been completed was due shortly and a discussion was needed to decide what sort of children’s play area was both required and affordable. Ray mentioned having seen an Aerial Glideway wire device which seemed to be enjoyed by young as well as older children and did not seem to attract vandalism. It was stated that David Hall of Leisure Services would be providing one or two schemes and they would then be discussed further. The lighting in Halstead Road was discussed in relation to the park and it was agreed that the Secretary would consult about its improvement.


Brian Theadom stated that the Appeal by Yew Trees and Ducks Halt Cottage had now been heard and a result was expected before Christmas. It was his opinion that the Council and KASH had made and excellent presentation and deserved to succeed


Councillor Bucke introduced the Mayor of FWTC,  Councillor Robertson  Councillor  Bucke stated that he himself thought that affordable housing would be good for the village but that he would respect the views of the village as expressed by those present.


       9.      Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Cossens


The meeting was closed at 9.pm.