Welcome to Langley

The Parish of Langley consists of two parts, Langley Upper Green and Langley Lower Green which are linked by roads and footpaths. The adult population is under 300. The village lies in Essex and adjoins Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, both of which can be seen on the horizons, as well as other Essex Parishes. There are outlying settlements at Killem's Geen and Butts Green. One tributory of the River Stort rises just outside the Parish, the other within. The village is, reputedly, the highest in the County with a spot height of 134 m asl.

The large areas of open Common Land and the "ribbon" development along the roads give a distinct character to the village. These grass areas were grazed within living memory.

The village is administered by Essex County Council, Uttlesford District Council and Langley Parish Council. Elections are held with polling in the village.

A 'Welcome to Langley' booklet has been prodcued by the Parish Council and a copy is given to new residents to the village.   'Welcome to Langley'