

South Essex Natural History Society

Application Form

Members enjoy:

Indoor Meetings During the Winter Months

These are held on Thursdays in the Southend Central Museum at 7.30 pm. (see Programme)
Leading naturalists give illustrated talks on a wide variety of wildlife.
Outdoor Meetings—Nature Reserves
Guided walks round local nature reserves and other sites are held throughout the year, eg Magnolia Park Hawkwell; The Seashore and Willow Park, part of the Langdon Nature Reserve, The SSSI site at Canvey Wick for orchids and other rare wild species.
Three Newsletters per year; the South Essex Naturalist, a comprehensive journal of records published biennially; Book entitled “Hadleigh Great Wood, The Wildlife and History of Belfairs Nature Reserve”

Our Society also organises regular volunteer working parties at Dodds Grove where we are pleased to welcome new Members.

Are you interested in supporting a Society whose members care for their local environment? Then, why not join us?     ~
                                              Application Form