Hedingham Film Crew


Hedingham Film Crew is an exciting new initiative involving local young people in creating their own films.


Hedingham Film Crew

Hedingham Film Crew is a free film making club for 12-18 year olds that takes place on a Monday night at the youth centre, part of Hedingham School, Christmas Field off Station Road. The club runs between 5.00pm and 6.00pm.

The main aim of the club is to provide a fun activity. Using a variety of cameras, the goal is for club members to become good at expressing themselves through the medium of video. Along the way they will pick up skills and experience that will be useful to them in the future. Members will be offered help if they need it, and shown techniques that they can use, but will largely choose their own creative path.

A condition of the funding provided to the film club is that we show the children are benefiting from the activity. The club will be challenging members to enter competitions and looking for ways to bring their work to a wider audience. There are film festivals and competitions for young filmmakers and it is hoped that members will take part in some of these. There are also easier channels to get work seen by a wider audience­ such as YouTube.

For those children and young people who have ambitions to work in the media, this is an opportunity to gain skills and experience. It’s also an opportunity to add to school course work to create ‘showreels’ and portfolios that will support applications for courses. Participation in filmmaking encourages teamwork, creative thinking, planning and self confidence. It is hoped that all the children who participate will benefit.

The Film Crew also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

See the film made for the Untold stories preoject which was a finalist in the Thurrock Film festival


Hedingham Film Crew produced the film. With the help of some brilliant interviewees, the young people captured a great deal of stories which would have otherwise gone untold. The young people also acted out scenes in the film to help illustarte these stories. Well done to all at Hedingham Film Crew.




Hedingham Youth Club operate at the Youth Centre, Hedingham School. The Youth Club is run entirely by volunteers led by Anne Thrussel. It is funded entirely from grants. Details about Hedingham Youth Club can be found on the Essex Boys and Girls Clubs webpage here http://www.essexboysandgirlsclubs.org/aboutus.html