Sible Hedingham Allotment & Leisure Gardeners Association





Gray's Hall Meadow  Pond and Wildlife Garden


Following a suggestion from SHALGA member Janet Harrison at the AGM, work has now started on an exciting project to give a neglected corner of the Meadow a gentle face-lift.


The pond has been dredged and last weekend (20th/21st October) a group of committed volunteers got together with Janet and worked very hard to clear away undergrowth and debris and to plant Spring bulbs and water plants.






 With the support of the Parish Council, further work is planned to enhance the view of the Meadow from Rectory Road in the heart of the Conservation Area.



In spite of some very wet weather on the Sunday, we all enjoyed ourselves very much and made some new friends.  If you would like to join in this exciting and worthwhile project, please get in touch with us at



 Gardeners' Get-together


SHALGA members enjoyed a 'get-together' in Rose Cottage garden, Swan Chase, Sible Hedingham on Sunday 7th October.




The weather was kind to us and we enjoyed a cup of tea and some excellent gardening chat in the garden.


Gardeners are always very generous with their help and advice and so we are hoping to repeat our 'get-togethers' in other members' gardens next Spring. 


If you would like to join us please contact us at, anyone with an interest in gardening is welcome. 


 SHALGA celebrated its first birthday and AGM at the Baptist Hall on Friday 14 September 2012.


Derek Webber, President of Essex Beekeepers Association gave an interesting and entertaining talk on beekeeping.  (I had no idea that some bees are well-behaved and some are grumpy!  Bit like gardeners, really!)


The talk was followed by tea & (honey) cake while SHALGA members met up with old friends and got to know new ones.


Then followed the serious business of the AGM.  Dr Ronnie Green stood down as Chair in order to spend more time on his Molly's Wood project and was thanked for his work in attempting to find land for allotments in SHALGA's first year.  Parish Councillor, Steve Partridge offered to take his place and promised that the search would go on for some suitable land.  The previous year's officers were also thanked for successfully bringing the group through its first year.  Roles were reallocated for the coming year to avoid individual officers becoming overburdened.


The group also discussed broadening its appeal to local gardeners beyond those interested in obtaining allotments and all agreed that the club should embrace all gardeners.  It is hoped to arrange a number of get-togethers in members' gardens to share ideas, challenges and solutions.  There are also plans to offer talks on topics of interest.  Perhaps there are members who feel they have a particular area of expertise (orchids? giant veg? perfect lawns?) who may be prepared to share their experience with the rest of the group?   



Next, one member's exciting new ideas for enhancing Grays Hall Meadow (cow field) received enthusiastic support.  Included in the proposals are renovation of the pond area at the bottom of the meadow to include naturalised planting of bulbs, shrubs and water plants; and a sensory garden elsewhere for enjoyment by all. 


If you would like to volunteer to help with Gray's Hall Meadow; to offer a talk to members; or if you know of any land available for allotments, please get in touch via our email address at





If you are thinking of growing your own vegetables for the first time this summer or even if you are an experienced grower, why not join our friendly new gardening group in Sible Hedingham.







We are keen to find some land in the Sible Hedingham area that we can rent for allotments. If you do have any land that you would be happy to lease, we would love to hear from you.


If you would like to join us, find out more or perhaps have some land that you may be interested in leasing, please do contact us at