Bogus Callers

Bogus Callers!


They are still roaming around local villages and unfortunately they have been “successful” as people are so trusting when they hear “We are the Anglian Water Board”.

Literature is available from NHW Co-ordinators, which was obtained from The Anglian Water Board; this literature is a major help in reducing the “activity” of any bogus callers! In addition to the Nominated Neighbour Card.



(a) Telephone scams.

A resident of a local village had a call! “Congratulations you have won £125,000. Don’t tell your neighbours, as it is a secret and just sit back and think what you will do with the money. We are sending it to you by DHL today! There is nothing for you to do!”

Well there was actually!

They wanted to know the person’s bank details to claim 1% charge for the cost of transferring the bankers draft to her!

What did the lady do? She asked for a telephone number and name and said she will call them, although they said they would call her back. And then she called me! Brilliant!

I went to see her, took the details investigated the number & found it was an answer phone in the USA.

(b) Correspondence.

Letters have been received too by residents in a local village, which stated that they have won large sum of money!

The “letters” were photocopies! I told them to throw them away!


So if anyone calls you and says “You have WON a lot of money”

Talk to someone about it, it could be genuine of course, from “Good Old Ernie” (Premium Bonds).

 But it is better to be safe and discuss it with the family, or a close friend, especially when you are asked for personal details of your bank!!


Neighbourhood Policing.

The Neighbourhood Policing District launches is on 6th June, Braintree at 14.00 hrs at BDC’s Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree

Do you have a booklet on Neighbourhood Policing?

Please note that Neighbourhood Watch IS a fundamental part of Neighbourhood Policing.


Neighbourhood Watch.

If there are any people who feel that NHW is not a benefit to the society around you?

Please note that it is 24 years old and there are over TEN million people registered in the UK.

There is a well-organised Group covering your village.


If you want to know who the Co-ordinators are?  Then go to 'Neighbourhood Watch' under the link 'Local Groups' above or please contact Clive Stewart at Braintree Police Station, my direct number is 01376 556 282.


Clive Stewart, NW Co-ordinator, Braintree District Council Area, Essex Police.