Village Organisations

Details and links to organisations within Great & Little Leighs-

The Village Hall, Boreham Road - To book the village hall please ring Anne Scott 01245 361481 or visit their website

The Hard Play Area- To book the court at the playing fields, Boreham Road please ring or text 07903 337713 at least 24hours prior to use. 

The Leighs Magazine - available from the Post Office, Great Leighs. Email for information on advertising or contributing articles.

Great & Little Leighs Churches - St.Mary's and St.Johns home page for the United Benefice of Great & Little Leighs and Little Waltham.

Genealogy & Local History -Although I am no longer researching local history and producing displays,for the time being I am still recording history as it happens in the villages. I am also helping anyone who is interested in their their own local family history by sharing any information I have about their ancestor’s lives and showing them where they lived,  were married and buried etc. If anyone would care to help I would be pleased to see them. Pat Watkinson

Great and Little Leighs Educational Charity - Provides grants to those under 25 years of age from the parish to help with further education and training. Those eligible are sixth form students; students at university or college, full or part-time; and those at work undertaking an apprenticeship or other vocational training. Funds do not allow for payment of fees or travel costs. Grants also available to local organisations working with young people in the parish. Enquiries to Bob Rust, Chairman of Trustees, telephone 01799 521312.