Environmental Working Group

The Environmental and Open Spaces Working Group is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all open spaces held by Hockley Parish Council.  The Working Group meets regularly each month and is chaired by Cllr Brian Hazlewood.

Members: Cllr B Hazlewood (Chairman); Cllr. L Vingoe; Cllr. M Carter; Cllr. S James; Cllr. B O'Shea; Cllr. V Randall; Cllr. M Anderson;Cllr. C Taylor

The Parish Council are grateful to members of the public for their support, particularly where the open spaces are concerned.  If you see anything you feel requires attention then please contact the Clerk at Hockley Parish Council on 01702 207707 or by e-mail:  enquiries@hockley-essex.gov.uk

Hockley Mount

Plumberow Mount

Plumberow Playspace

Plumberow Playspace

 Hanging Baskets

Village Hanging Basket Displays


Plumberow Mount

Plumberow Playspace

Hanging Baskets

Laburnum Grove Play space

Broad Parade

Marylands Nature Reserve

Bungalows along Hockley Road

Parish Pavement

St Peter's Road


 Marylands Nature Reserve 2

Maryland Nature Reserve

 Old Peoples Bungalows

Bungalows along Hockley Road

 Marylands Nature Reserve

Maryland Nature Reserve