Festive Lighting Working Group

The Festive Lights Working Group meetings are generally held on the 3rd Thursday of each month

Members: Cllr.R Martin (Chairman); Jeff Stanton (Chairman, Hockley Chamber of Trade & Commerce); Cllr. S James;  Cllr. M Anderson; Cllr. M Carter; Cllr. T Carter; Cllr T Gleadall; Cllr S Chelmsford; Cllr S Martin; Cllr C Taylor; The Clerk;

The Working Group consists of Hockley Parish Councillors and members of Hockley Chamber of Commerce.  We meet on a monthly basis to ensure all arrangements are in place for the annual switch on of Hockley Lights.  Comments from the community are welcome  (good or bad!) as we want this to be an evening which is enjoyed by everyone.


The Christmas Lights Switch on this year will be on 24th November.  Full details will be published when the Working Group have finalised arrangements.