You Are Not Alone

Ever been told “Nobody else has a problem” by Basildon Council, St Georges, or Thames Energy. Don’t you believe it. You’re not alone. People all over the estate are having their problems brushed aside and being left to suffer. To make sure we all now the truth we need to collect as much information as we can in one place:

- Case histories

– Complaints ignored? Faults not fixed? Sky High Bills? Terrible Service? Nobody listening? Know something we should know? What ever you have to say, share it with everyone at or send it confidentially by email to

- Kw usage for each type of dwelling. Have you kept records over the years? It would be a big help if we can build a database of actual energy usage across the estate instead of having to rely on the version put out by Thames Energy……..

-  Breakdowns?

- Overcharged?

Whatever you have to say, just e-mail or add your information to (ready in a couple of days). Have your say – Together we can make a change.