Local Policing Update

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My colleague and I frequently attend house burglaries in the Brentwood and Epping Districts. In the majority of cases the objective of the burglars is to steal cash or jewellery. On every occasion the main bedroom is ransacked because burglars know that women usually leave their jewellery on their dressing tables. Even if they have had the foresight to hide it they normally do so in the main bedroom. Invariably the thief is successful in stealing the jewellery because he is fully aware of this practice

Losing a valuable piece of jewellery is one thing but losing an item that has sentimental significance is much more distressing when you realise you probably won’t see it again.

We appreciate that not everyone can afford to install a safe in their house but there are two measures that everyone can take at little or no cost.

Firstly, DON’T HIDE YOUR JEWELLERY IN THE BEDROOM. The intruder will find it. Think of a location where they are unlikely to look and split it up so that, if they find one piece, they may not get it all. If you need further inspiration call us.

Secondly, photograph your jewellery next to a ruler. Keep a copy of the photographs yourself and give another copy to a relative or friend. This will help the Police to search for your jewellery and they may come in useful if your insurance company decides to dispute your loss.

Please do not leave Windows / Doors /Garages open when you go out even for just 5 minutes.
Please put your alarms on when you go out.

PCSO 74787 Peter Kearney
Police Community Support Officer
Beat Manager Ingatestone D321E
Brentwood Neighbourhood Policing Team (Western Division)
Brentwood Police Station, 4 London Road, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4QJ
North NSO Mobile: 07896 871008
Non Emergency: 101 Or 0300 3334444
Direct Dial . 01277 262212
Internal Ext: 75344
Fax: 01277 260047
Email: peter.kearney@essex.pnn.police.uk

Website: www.essex.police.uk