Meeting of the Parish Council 2009


Parish Council Meetings  Most recent first


November  2009     


    July 2009 

May 2009 (PC AGM)

January 2009 Documents

January 2009 Minutes


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                                                                                    (2009/10 No.3) 


Held in the Village Hall On Thursday, 5th November 2009, at 7.30 p.m.


Present:           Parish Councillors:  J H Penn (Chair), R K Payne, A Cooper, S Bolter, J Nott,
                                N M. Prior, H W W Teverson

                        Footpaths representative:  Mr. L. Crumpton-Taylor

                        3 members of public

Parish Clerk

District Cllrs Jo Beavis, Fred Swallow                       

Apologies:       DCllr Wendy Scattergood




1.         Declarations of Interest 

            There were no declarations of interest.

2.         Public Speaking
The meeting was adjourned for members of the public comments; there were no comments and the meeting was immediately reconvened.


3.         Minutes
The minutes of the July meeting were agreed and signed.

                        Proposed:        Cllr Payne       Seconded:       Cllr Bolter       


4.         Matters Arising from the Minutes

            Speed Indicator Device

The equipment had been received but there were queries about the tripod style pole and the battery pack.  The Clerk will query these points with ECC.   Three volunteers have come forward from Audley End to change the battery; more are needed for the Sudbury Road area.  An extra socket has been put in opposite Alveston Cottage; it was agreed that the PC will apply to ECC for more socket points to be put in.           

Water Meter repair work 

There had been no further communication from Anglian Water and the Clerk will chase for an update.

Ditch alongside Sudbury Road

The work is in hand to do.

Spraying the cricket square

The cricket club will deal with this issue and Cllr Prior was advised that a risk assessment should be carried out beforehand.


5.         Reports from Representatives
Neighbourhood Watch
All information has been circulated. There had been two recent attempted burglaries at farms in Gestingthorpe.  A replacement NW representative is needed and an advert will be placed in the parish magazine.


Leslie Crumpton-Taylor had reported on the Byway13 area.  His report will be circulated to all Cllrs and to Highways for their action.

Village Design Statement 

Mr Harman’s report was read out.  The next meeting takes place on 25th November.

Village Hall

Cllr Nott reported on all the work carried out over the past year and Cllrs commented on the smart appearance.  Work has been aided by grants from the late Cecil Pannell and by Barbara Baggot’s grant application efforts.  The PC will write to the village hall committee to commend them for their work.


Playing Field

A resident had written to raise a problem with the cricket pavilion roof.  Cllr Prior will contact the cricket club to organise a working party to undertake repair work.

Stansted Runway

Cllr Cooper reported there had been a very poorly advertised meeting held in Sudbury recently.  Both he and Cllr Bolter had attended meetings and written to draw attention to noise late at night.


6.         Highways/Public Rights of Way maintenance

A pothole near Crouch House had been temporarily filled.  More work is planned in the next few weeks.


7.         Planning

All planning applications received and decisions made since the last meeting were itemised on Appendix B.

BT telephone kiosks

Councillors’ did not wish to take up BT’s offer to  ‘adopt a telephone kiosk’.


8.         Affordable Housing
The official opening event will take place on Nov 10th.


9.         Playing Field


            The S106 monies from the Affordable Housing scheme are being held by BDC and will be applied for to replace the old see-saw.  It was agreed to purchase a more traditional type see-saw.  The PC will arrange for the old one to be removed to save on costs.

            Pavilion – fire inspection

            The recent inspection by Chubb had advised that a CO2 extinguisher is required; the price quoted was considered expensive.  The Clerk will look into costs before ordering.


10.       Playing Field Boundary Dispute

Mr Sharp’s recent letter was circulated. Cllrs were unanimous that the PC would not intervene in the boundary dispute, as instructed by NALC legal department.  Cllrs were unanimous that they did not wish to renegotiate the current lease but agreed that an annual boundary inspection was a good idea.  Mr Sharp will be informed of these decisions.


11.       Community Broadband

Cllr Bolter was disappointed with progress on obtaining cover for the ‘black hole’ area. He will chase up County Broadband for further news.


12.       Parish Council Website

The website has been set up.  Cllr Bolter reported on software incompatibility but will persevere to get the best results possible.


13.       Annual Skip Hire

Cllrs discussed re-siting the playing field skip next year, due to builders filling it and preventing parishioners from using it.  This will be discussed at a future meeting.


14.       Community Wardens report

Cllrs felt the reports were not useful.  DCllrs Beavis and Swallow said that our comments reflect other parishes’ opinion of Community Wardens.


15.       To consider Risk Assessments
            RoSPA risk assessment

            The latest report did not raise any major problems.  

            Parish Council risk assessment

            Helen Willingham will carry out a risk assessment to the cricket pavilion in February;

            Mr Smith will report to the PC with a valuation for the cricket pavilion for insurance purposes.




16.       Emergency Plan

            The following changes were agreed:

            To replace John Penn’s details with James Nott.

            To replace Richard Payne on the village hall keyholder list with James Nott.

Phone numbers for Police non emergency, gas trunk main, National Grid, electricity failure recorded information and to give information to EDF will be added to the list.

The information and examples received from the Emergency Planning meeting at BDC will be circulated to residents around the Pumpyard Cottage area and Seven Sisters area.


17.       Freedom of Information Publication

            It was agreed to raise the charges for document copies from 10p to 15p from January 2010.


18.       Parish Council Finance

Details of all receipts & payments had been circulated (Appendix A) and were authorised.


Audit Report Y/E 31.03.09

Comments from the Audit Commission were that the accounts should be signed off by 30th June each year.  This was noted for future.


Parish Support Grant

DCllr Beavis advised that BDC were looking to make cuts across the Council.   She urged the PC to write to the Leader of the Council in support of retaining the PSG.  DCllr Swallow said that they are trying hard to protect the PSG.

District Councillors Reports

DCllr Beavis reported on the changes taking place at BDC and the need for partnership working.

DCllr Swallow reported on the Overview and Scrutiny committee, which will be looking at finances.


19.       Correspondence & Matters for Report


The Chairman had attended the recent Halstead Local Committee meeting and Braintree District LSP meeting.  Cllr Bolter will attend the planning training meeting; he had attended the Parish Cluster meeting and informed Cllrs to get our list of works for the Rangers in as soon as possible.  Gestingthorpe are to host the next Cluster meeting.  The National Grid meeting for our PC is at Castle Hedingham Memorial Hall on 10th December.


20.       Any Other Business
Vice Chair 2010

Cllrs were asked to give some thought to a new vice chair.  The Clerk will check the protocol around the PC running without a Chairman.

Centenery Celebration

Cllrs  discussed the centenary anniversary of Captain Oates in 2012 and the idea of marking this with an event. 

Paint tins

DCllr Beavis will look into the position of disposal of old paint tins.


Cllr Teverson thanked John Penn for all his work for the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Watch.

21.       Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 21st January 2010, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 9.40pm.



Date...............................................                             Chairman..................................................









Receipts since last meeting                                                                     Total to date          Budget forecast                                

Lloyds TSB

Interest payments


June               0.26p

July                0.37p

August           0.38p

September     0.38p





£15 p.a.

Playground Management

Refund for overpayment for RoSPA inspection







Precept   £2300  2nd ½ year receipt






R Goldsmith


For Freedom of Information documents




No forecast






Payments made since those approved at last meeting                    Total to date    Budget forecast   (inc. VAT)




Local Council Review       £13.50







Land Registry


Search fee




No budget


Audit Commission


Audit Y/E 31.03.09





We’ve moved up a band due to our income/ expenditure last year.


Gestingthorpe village hall


Hire of hall for Activity Day






Colne Skips


Skip hire Aug bank holiday w/end






Anglian Water


Playing Field water meter








½ year salary










Payments to be made                                                                                  Total to date    Budget forecast





Fire extinguisher service





K Hutchinson

Verge cutting – 2nd cut  £438.15





We are due to receive £747.89 from ECC + reclaim the VAT 



GESTINGTHORPE PARISH COUNCIL                                      APPENDIX B







Location                                                                      PC Comment                                                                       BDC Decision




09/01319/LBC  Foundry House, North End Road


Installation of partition and new doorway to form a new first floor bathroom


The PC has no objection.  Councillors feel it will be an improvement and should be granted.








Planning decisions on previous applications:


09/00581/FUL - Tudor Lodge Farm – proposed vehicular access    GRANTED





PLAY AREA SAFETY REPORT 2009-10 (meeting Nov 09) 




COMMENTS from Cllrs/Clerk


RoSPA comments: 

Work is required on the following items

Fencing –                Part site only

Other Hazards –      Site adjacent to ditch/stream, signage installed.

                                Open hedgerow onto roadway at bottom of site

Planting –                Trim back trees from basketball stand






















I have been writing to M Sharp about this over several years and he does not reply.












Cradle swings:

Remove excess chains

Chain wear

Tiles -                    surfacing meets requirements of EN1176

General maintenance - Gaps have opened up between tiles causing

                               trip hazards.  Tiles should be re-laid, gaps at

                               edges should be filled with mastic.













Junior swings:

Supports are within falling/free space area

Monitor frame for decay

Remove sharp remains of manufacturers nameplate from support leg

Tiles -                   Insufficient protective surfacing to meeting

                             recommendations – to the sides of the unit only




















Slide & ramp:

Monitor wear on ramp & platform




















Adventure trail:

Fails grip/grasp requirements to logs

RoSPA is concerned the bar at bottom of net may fail and has referred this for a decision.

Stepping logs in impact areas of rope net

Top beam should be made non-slip

Surfacing is satisfactory





















Spring duck:

Monitor movement in base plate.

General maintenance – no work required







Spring tractor:

Footrests -                    Concerns with positioning of footrests being
                                     close to the seat.







Toddler unit & slide:

Concerns that the bottom bar of the net may fail EN 1176 – referred for interpretation.

General maintenance – replace/rotten platform

Safety surface fails EN 1176 as hard edging/foundation is within the impact area.  No work required to surfacing








Possibly look at replacing platform with affordable housing money



Plank seesaw:

Seat clearance to ground <230mm – fails EN 1176

Retighten loose grab handle

Cap protruding bolts on underside

Programme in to replace rotten plank

Eroded grass areas to be reinstated












Look at replacement costs & use money received from affordable housing project.


Basketball stand:

Retighten bolt on support leg.


Need for warning notice “Do not climb on the framework or nets”.  “Do not hang on the ring”.  “Do not wear rings or other jewellery as these can get caught and cause injury”.

No work required to surface.












Information to be published

How the information can be obtained


CLASS 1 – Who we are and what we do


Members of the Parish Council


Hard copy from the Clerk/copy on noticeboard

10p per copy + postage

CLASS 2 – What we spend and how we spend it


Annual Audit Statement and report by auditor


Hard copy from the Clerk/copy on noticeboard


£1.50 total

Annual statement of accounts produced at end of March – current and previous year

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per copy + postage

Budget and Precept forecast

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per copy + postage

Financial Standing Orders and Regulations

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

Grants given and received


Hard copies from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

CLASS 3 – What our priorites are and how we are doing


Chairmans Annual Report


Hard copy from Clerk/delivered to all houses free of charge each April


10p per sheet + postage

CLASS 4 – How we make decisions


Council minutes (excluding information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting)


Hard copy from Clerk


10p per sheet + postage

Council agendas


Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

Reports presented to council meetings (excluding information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting)

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

Responses to consultation papers


Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

Responses to planning applications


Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

CLASS 5 – Our policies and procedures


Procedural standing orders

Schedule of charges for the publication of information



Hard copy from Clerk

Hard copy from Clerk/copy on Notice board

10p per sheet + postage

10p per sheet + postage

Code of Conduct

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

Members allowances and expenses

Not applicable




RoSPA report

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

CLASS 6 – Lists and Registers


Assets register 


Hard copy from Clerk


10p per copy + postage

Register of members interests

Hard copy from Clerk

10p per sheet + postage

Register of gifts and hospitality 

Hard copy from Clerk


10p per sheet + postage

CLASS 7 – The services we offer


Agency agreements



Hard copy from Clerk


10p per sheet + postage

Small documents that can be sent via emails – no charge.


Costs have been calculated to cover paper, envelopes, standard 2nd class post, photocopies at 10p per single page.


Costs of information available will rise with inflation but are correct at 1st January 2010



Contact details:                  Frances Wells, Parish Clerk

                                                Newcaven, The Street, Bulmer, Sudbury, Suffolk.  CO10 7EP

                                                Tel:  01787 379606











Internal audit procedures/ Financial Regulations/Standing Orders


Keeping up to date - New literature received and records updated.

Clerks contract should be reviewed annually as per our financial regs.

Check to see if we’re complying


  • Review in Jan 10





Gestingthorpe Emergency Plan

Annual review – are there any changes?

  • Emergency Plan meeting
     attended Sept 09
  • Add sandbags contact to Plan
     due to flooding in Feb 09
  • Circulate information to Pump House and Audley End at risk areas.



Training courses

To keep up to date with changes

In procedures & policies

  • Clerk to attend Finance course
     when a date has been arranged.                                               


Playing field maintenance on play equipment

Old equipment wearing out

Budget to include contingency fund

for repairs.

Continue to include £100 in budget annually

PC insurance cover

Annual item on agenda required for internal

Audit purposes


Cricket pavilion rebuild costs

May meeting annually.



  • Suggest we get a valuation
     done to see whether we’re in
     line – we could be overpaying
     or underpaying on premiums





Fire safety regulations

R/A needs to be done annually for cricket


  • Cricket club R/A done Feb09
  • Ask for one for Feb 2010 


 New items identified for November meeting:- Emergency plan (appears elsewhere on this website) 



July Minutes

<!                  (2009/10 No.2)



Held in the Village Hall

On Thursday, 2nd July 2009, at 7.30 p.m.


Present:           Parish Councillors:  J H Penn (Chair), R K Payne, A Cooper, S Bolter, J Nott

                        Footpaths representative:  Mr. L. Crumpton-Taylor

                        Village design statement representative:  Chris Harman

Parish Clerk               

                        District Cllr Wendy Scattergood                    

Apologies:       PCllrs  N M. Prior, H W W Teverson

County Cllr David Finch, District Cllrs Jo Beavis, Fred Swallow

1.         Declarations of Interest 

            There were no declarations of interest.

2.         Public Speaking
There were no members of public present.


3.         Minutes
The minutes of the May meeting were agreed and signed.

                        Proposed:  Cllr R Payne         Seconded:       Cllr S Bolter


4.         Matters Arising from the Minutes 

Speed Indicator Device update
Olive Cowell, Highways, had advised that locations have been marked out for the sockets to be placed and SID’s are due to be in place in the next few months.  The Clerk will find out where the marks have been placed, as Cllrs were unable to find them in the agreed spots.

Speed survey 

The survey had highlighted a problem in the Audley End area.  Cllrs thought it unlikely police would monitor this site, as asked for by Highways.  The survey details will be passed to Mr Collett, who had initially raised this issue.


5.         Highways/Public Rights of Way maintenance

There were no problems to report. Cllr Nott reported that the work along North End road has been completed and the road is passable.

6.         Reports from Representatives
Neighbourhood Watch
Cllr Penn reported there had been one attempted break-in, in Little Maplestead Road and criminal damage to a house next to Ellis Farm, due to a wall being knocked down.


FP 10 – Cllr Bolter had received a report of dog fouling along this path.  No other problems reported.

Village Design Statement 

No further news since the Annual Parish Meeting.  The next meeting takes place on 15th July.


7.         Planning

09/00581/FUL -Tudor Lodge Farm, Little Maplestead Road - proposed vehicular access.

The PC had raised no objections.  No information on a decision has been notified.


Chris Harman joined the meeting. 

         8  Affordable Housing
The open day had taken place with a lot of interest in the properties.  It had not been clear to some interested buyers that they were required to make a bid.  Tim Lucas will notify the PC of prospective tenants/buyers to ensure the criteria for local people is met.  There was concern that the porch lighting was directed towards the road rather than on the ground.  DCllr Wendy Scattergood will check on the lighting plan for the car park area.

 9      Ditch alongside Sudbury Road

The work is in hand to do as soon as time permits.


10.       Playing Field Boundary

NALC legal advisor had said that the dispute was between the two landowners of Ashley Cottage and the Playing Field and not the Parish Council.  The Clerk will write to advise Mr Sharp and will seek to obtain Title plans from the Land Registry, for our records. 


11.       Broadband

Cllr Bolter reported interest from five more residents who are unable to access broadband, with a possible six more from the new Oates Cottages when finished.  He will organise flyers for the new houses.  The cost of installing another repeater is £375 but a discount will be given equal to 2 months rental fees of those signing up.  It was proposed and agreed that the PC proceed with this through County Broadband at a cost of £375.

Proposed:        Cllr A Cooper              Seconded:       Cllr R Payne 


14.       Correspondence & Matters for Report

19 Sudbury Road
Cllr Bolter reported on the driveway which Highways had asked to be reinstated.  Highways had mistakenly thought a new driveway had been created and the problem has now been resolved.


A resident had complained of injuring her finger on the see-saw, subsequently a notice for the public not to use it has been put on.  The RoSPA report did not indicate a high risk for this item.  DCllr Scattergood advised that under the S106 Agreement for affordable housing the £2,000 for play equipment has been ring fenced and the PC should contact the planning department to release the monies once the new houses were occupied.

Leys Wood
A resident had expressed concern and the work due to be carried out at the wood.  BDC Landscape Services had said that there were no protected species in the wood.

Spraying the cricket square

Cllrs discussed cost and risks involved in spraying this area. The Clerk will seek information on protocol for this type of action.


Cllr Scattergood was thanked for attending and left the meeting.


15.       Receipts & Payments

Details of all receipts & payments had been circulated (Appendix A) and were authorised.


            Proposed:  Cllr S Bolter          Seconded:  Cllr W Teverson 


The Clerk was thanked for the savings made on the insurance premium this year.


16.       Any Other Business

Old correspondence will be shredded.  Anything pertaining to the playing field and village hall will be kept.

Rents Field Tenant

Cllr Cooper reported that the process of finding a new tenant is proceeding smoothly and the new tenant will be signing up, with the lease to begin in 14 months time.


Village sign

A resident had reported the sign in need of cleaning.  Cllr Bolter offered to do this job.

17.       Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 5th November, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 8.50pm.



Date….…….………………………………  Chairman…………………………………






Held in the Village Hall

on Thursday, 14th May 2009, at 7.30 p.m.


Present:           PCllrs  R K Payne, A Cooper, N M. Prior, H W W Teverson, S Bolter, J H Penn, J Nott

                        Footpaths representative:  Mr. L. Crumpton-Taylor

                        Parish Clerk

Apologies:       DCllr Jo Beavis, Fred Swallow, Wendy Scattergood, CCllr D Finch



Cllr Payne announced he was standing down as Chairman and asked for nominations for a new Chairman for 2009/10.


1.         Appointment of Chairman

It was resolved that John Penn be elected as Chairman for 2009/10.  The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.


                        Proposed:  Cllr Payne             Seconded:  Cllr Teverson


            Cllr Teverson thanked Cllr Payne for his work over the past 2 years, Cllr Bolter seconded this.


2.         Appointment of Vice-Chairman

            It was resolved that James Nott be elected Vice-Chairman for 2009/10.


            Proposed:  Cllr Payne             Seconded:  Cllr Penn


3.         Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest.


4.         Public Speaking
There were no members of public present.


5.         Appointment of Representatives & Responsible Members
The following representatives were appointed:


Playing Field                           Cllr N M Prior

Planning Committee               Cllrs W Teverson, J Nott, J Penn, S Bolter

Rents Fields Charity               Cllr S Bolter

Village Hall & Amenities          Cllr J Nott

Tree Warden                           Cllr N M Prior

Footpaths                                Leslie Crumpton-Taylor

Transport                                 Clerk

Emergency Contacts              Clerk and all Cllrs

Neighbourhood Watch            Cllr J Penn

Highways                                Clerk

RFO Cllr                                  Cllr R Payne


6.         Minutes
The minutes of the January meeting were approved and signed.


  Proposed:  Cllr Penn             Seconded:  Cllr Bolter




7.         Matters Arising from the Minutes 

Water Leak

Anglian Water have inspected the water meter, isolated the tap and will dig out and make further checks.  Various repair works were discussed and the PC will consider further after AW have completed their checks.  The water must be turned off at the end of the day when the pavilion is used. 


The grant has been approved and Highways are waiting for the budget monies to be released.

            Highways maintenance

Cllr Cooper reported that he had met with Highways representatives to look at the problem at the concrete steps.  Once remedial work is done Highways will make their checks.  They had also looked at the undermining of the road at the Barracks and advised it was adequate at present.  They will repair the large pot hole on the Bulmer road.  The road closure at Hixon Hill is due on June 29th.


Cllrs considered the area in the centre of the village which was unable to receive broadband.  Another repeater can be installed but will cost £350.  County Broadband had offered to cover costs if more people subscribed.  Cllr Bolter will organise a leaflet drop for more interest and the PC will consider further at the next meeting.


8.         Reports from Representatives

            Village Hall – nothing to report

            Village Design Statement – nothing to report

Neighbourhood Watch- Cllr Penn reported that there is a push for Neighbourhood Action Panels which will replace Neighbourhood Watch.

Footpaths – Mr Crumpton-Taylor reported that following a problem with a footbridge near Wiggery Wood, Highways have re-done the entire bridge and put some steps in.


9.         Highways/Public Rights of Way Matters

Olive Cowell had given an update on future work at the Annual Parish Meeting. A parishioner had raised a possible future problem with the hedge between Homesteaders and the Crescent of encroaching towards the road and this will be monitored.

10.       Planning

All planning applications received and decisions made since the last meeting were itemised on Appendix A.  A new application for Tudor Lodge Farm had been received.


11.       Matters arising from the Cluster Meeting

Wheelie bins are being rolled out from the end of September.  A public meeting is being held in Bures on 19th May.

12.       Playing Field

            Overhanging branches  -  No further news.           

            Cricket Club risk assessment – This has been completed.

Boundary fence – The PC are waiting to hear the details of the Goldsmiths’ surveyor’s report.  Once this is to hand a decision on the next step will be considered.
Request for rounders game
- There were no objections to this event going ahead, providing no-one enters the cricket square.  Cllr Prior will find out cricket fixture dates and let the Clerk know.  The landlords of The Pheasant will be informed of this decision.


13.       Work to Ditch along Sudbury Road

Cllr Cooper had dug out part of the ditch during March.  A lot of water going into the ditch is from nearby ponds.  Cllrs Nott, Cooper and Prior will meet on site to look at what needs to be done to clear the ditch.  Mr Sharp will be informed of the decision.







14.       PC Insurance

Cllrs agreed to accept a quote from Suffolk Acre, underwritten by Zurich, as it was significantly less than Allianz.   The cricket net will be added to the policy.


15.       Clerks Contract 

The contract was accepted and signed.


            Proposed:        Cllr Payne       Seconded:       Cllr Prior


16.       Receipts & Payments

Details of all receipts & payments had been circulated (Appendix B) and were authorised.

            Proposed:  Cllr Payne             Seconded:  Cllr Nott


17.       Approval of Annual Accounts 2008/09

Mr Crumpton-Taylor had carried out an internal audit of the accounts, for which he was thanked. His report had been circulated.


The Receipts & Payments Summary, Supporting Statement and Fixed Asset register were agreed and signed.


The Annual Return Statement of Accounts, Section 1 was agreed and signed


The Annual Governance Statement was agreed and signed.


Proposed:  Cllr Payne             Seconded:  Cllr Cooper


18.       Register of Interests
Cllrs were reminded of their obligations regarding declaring changes to their interests.   


19.       Correspondence & Matters for Report
            Affordable Housing

Cllrs were concerned that the shared ownership houses had not been marketed properly and that they should not be allocated to people from outside the local area.  No advertising leaflets had been received to date.  The timescale for applying was felt to be unreasonable and not workable.  It was agreed to ask Colne Housing to place adverts in local papers; to chase the leaflets; to ask for an open day and to state our preference for them to be rented rather than go to people from outside the area.


Sandbags had been delivered to Hall Farm following flooding problems.

Street Cleaning Contract
A new contract had been signed.  No change in the amount we will receive.

Traffic Speed Survey

A survey has been carried out; no results received as yet.


20.       Any Other Business
There was no other business. 


21.       Date of Next Meetings

Thursday 2nd July and Thursday 5th November, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.



Date….…….………………………………  Chairman………………………………… 





<!-- /*





The next Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Thursday, 22 January 2009, 7.30 p.m.


Please consider attached notes to be discussed at the meeting.


Frances Wells





1.       Apologies for absence

2.       Declarations of personal/prejudicial interests in following agenda items

3.       Minutes of previous meeting

4.       Public Speaking Time  (15 minutes) 

5.       Matters arising from the minutes            -  Speed Indicator Device update 

6.       Reports from representatives                 - Neighbourhood Watch, Village Hall, Footpaths,
                                                                                   &  Village Design Statement

7.       Highways/PROW matters

8.       Planning matters                                    

9.       Affordable Housing                                 -  update 

10.     Playing Field                                           - overhanging branches 

11.     PC Insurance                                          - update  

12.     Annual Contracts                                    -  grass cutting, verge cutting, litter picking/spraying 

13.     Grants 2009/10                                       -  Church, Village Hall, Over 60’s Club 

14.     Review of Clerks Salary/Contract

15.     Review of Financial Regulations           

16.     Audit Report                                            -  future amendments 

17.     Receipts and payments

18.     Parish Council Budget & Precept 2009/10

19.     Correspondence and matters for report             -  One District, One Vision, local authority publicity,
                                                                                                & Speed Management Strategy consultations


20.     Any Other Business

21.     Next meeting dates 






Receipts since last meeting                                                                Total to date         Budget forecast


Lloyds TSB

Interest payments

Nov  £18.20

Dec    £4.07

(Rate has dropped from 2% to .10%)


£200 p.a.

Cricket Club


Annual rent







 Payments made since those approved at last meeting   Total to date    Budget forecast inc VAT


Audit Commission

Annual audit Y/E 31.03.08



Difference due to VAT rate change




Payments to be made                                                                 Total to date  Budget forecast

Graeme Martin








Grass cutting



Oates Churchyard Charity


(Agreed to increase by £100 at July meeting)



Village Hall





Over 60’s Club








  • Who is covered?
  • Only the named council is insured – village halls, local charities and volunteer groups are not covered by PC insurance.

  • Employers Liability Insurance
  • This is a legal requirement – Employers Liability (compulsory insurance) Act 1969.
  • Minimum cover required is £5,000,000
  • A certificate of insurance must be displayed in Clerk’s office – to be kept indefinitely.
  • This should include volunteers (ours does) – not necessary to name volunteers individually.

  • Public Liability – not a legal requirement but essential for all local councils
  • Covers for legal liability to third parties for bodily injury or damage to property – should include Cllrs, employees and volunteers when acting on behalf of the council
  • Recommended minimum indemnity limit is £5,000,000.

  • Property insurance
  • Theft of contents is excluded from most policies unless it results from forced entry or exit from premises.
  • Buildings – has to be the building cost of replacing, plus architects and professional fees and cost of clearing site before rebuilding commences.recommend review pavilion – do we have anyone in the village who could advise of these costs?  The auditors want us to get cover for ‘natural sports ground surfacing’ – this covers grass, concrete and tarmac and will cost £8.50 per annum and covers up to a maximum of £2,500.  The ramp will cost £3.31 + 5% tax per annum.
  • Contents – will pay for the cost of replacement
  • Street furniture – weigh up what the risk is – consider what the excess is.

  • Money insurance – excludes theft from unattended car.
  • Insures loss of money from home of clerk or councillor and whilst in transit to the bank.

  • Fidelity Guarantee – legal requirement – LGA 1972.
  • Basic limit is £2,000 ( we have increased ours to £6,500)  it should cover the maximum amount held at any one time  (based on 50% of precept plus other balances)Should we increase this ?  recommended by audit
  • Councils have a duty to supervise – the ‘internal audit’ does not replace the duty to check the accounts imposed by the Accounts & Audit Regulations.
  • Accounts should be balanced and reconciled at regualar intervals througout the year and the results reported to the Council  (Leslie carries out a check every 6 months, Steve does one in January) expenditure report now shows spend to date against budget at each meeting.

  • Officials Indemnity – recommended for all local councils.
  • Covers legal liability for financial loss suffered by a third party resulting from the negligence of a member or employee.

  • Libel & Slander- recommended for all and essentail for any council which publishes newlsettters etc.
  • Covers legal costs and awards for ‘defamation’
  • The Council pays 10% of any claim – to encourage them to be careful.
  • (was it an approved statement by the Council or by the individual – no details of discussions in the minutes)


  • Personal Accident – different to liability
  • We should have this under our conditions of employment (NALC)
  • Age limit applies
  • Pays a benefit for death or disablement with out the need to establish legal liaibilty
  • Cover operates whilst undertaking duties on behalf of the council
  • Councillors, employees and volunteers can be covered.

  • The Annual Insurance Review – should be carried out by the council
  • Agenda item as Councillors make the decisions. Clerk to send out insurance schedule to all Cllrs to view before the May meeting?  Annual policy date is June 1st.
  • Public Liability – review the limit – look at the values
  • Consider loss of revenue, officials indemnity, libel and slander, personal accident.

  • The risks
  • Risks come from services we offer, employees, property, legislation, contracts, newsletters
  • Contractors must have £2,000,000 minimum insurance

  • Health & Safety – be aware of the legislation.
  • Disability Discrimination Act
  • Need to provide accessability to councl meetings.
  • Look at the small print
  • 2004 Order can give indemnity to a Cllr who is a Trustee
  • Keep proper records
  • Internal Audit - Have the right systems in place.
  • We have a duty of care
  • PAT testing
  • The Council must provide the right tools for the job, appropriate training, protective equipment – get employees to sign for trainingand equipment.
  • The Council must have a Health & Safety policy and a responsible H & S officer.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Should be carried out for all land and premises for which the Council is responsible, including trees on Council land
  • Risk Assessments should be regularly updated.



Reasons for changes to Clerks contract/salary


  1. Current contract states 150 hours per year which works out at 2.88 hours per week.  EALC information says that no Clerk should be paid for less than 4 hours.  Will the PC consider my hours are rounded up to 3 per week making 156 hours per year?

  2. I am currently being paid at Spinal Column Point 17, which is below the bench mark.  Information from EALC is that Clerks should move up 1 SCP each year. Will the PC consider that this is increased to SCP 18 from 1st April 09? (A difference of 17p per hour at 2008/09 rates)



SPC 17


8.429 per hour x 150 hrs


SPC 17


8.635 per hour x 150 hrs


SPC 18


8.805 per hour x 156 hrs



  1. The amount of work involved now has increased with many new reports/publications to write /adopt e.g. standing orders, risk assessments, FOI publication scheme, model code of conduct, grant forms, some of these to be reviewed on an annual basis. (We should also have a health & safety policy which I will try to do) 

  2. Holiday & sickness cover are supposed to be included in Clerk’s contracts.  (These would only be problems if I go on long term sickness as I work so few hours).



Following agreement I will type up a revised contract to be signed at the May meeting.  Any changes though will start from April 1st.





1.         GENERAL


1.1       These financial regulations shall govern the conduct of the financial transactions of the Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the Council.

1.2       The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) under the policy direction of the Council shall be responsible for the proper administration of the Council's affairs.

1.3       The RFO shal be responsible for the production of financial management information.





2.1       Each Committee (if any) shall formulate and submit proposals to the Council in respect of revenue and capital costs for the following financial year not later than the end of November each year.

2.2       Detailed estimates of all receipts and payments shall be prepard each year by the RFO.


2.3       The Council shall review the estimates not later than the end of January each year and shall fix the precept to be levied for the ensuing financial year.


2.4       The annual budgets shall form the basis of financial control for the ensuing year.







3.1       The RFO shall regularly provide the Council with a statement of receipts and payments to date.


3.2       The Clerk may incur expenditure on behalf of the Council which is necessary to carry out any repair replacement or other work which is of such extreme urgency that it must be done at once, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of £100.  The Clerk shall report the action to the Council as soon as practicable thereafter.

3.3       No expenditure shall be incurred in relation to any capital project and no contract entered into or tender accepted involving capital expenditure unless the Council is satisfied that the necessary funds are available, or the requisite borrowing approval has been obtained.




4.1       All accounting procedures and financial records of the Council shall be determined by the RFO as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 1996.

4.2       The RFO shall be responsible for completing the annual accounts of the Council as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year and shall submit them and report thereon to the Council.

4.3       The RFO shall be responsible for maintaining an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the Council's accounting, financial and other operations in accordance with Regularion 5 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 1996.  Any officer or member of the Council shall, if the RFO rquires, make available such documents of the Council which appear to the RFO to be necessary for the purpose of the audit and shall supply the RFO with such information and explanation as the RFO considers necessary for that purpose.









5.1       The Council's banking arrangements shall be made by the RFO and approved by the Council.

5.2       A schedule of the payments required, forming part of the Agenda for the meeting, shall be prepared by the RFO and, together with the relevant invoices, be presented to Council.  A record of these approved payments shall be kept in the minutes.

5.3       Cheques drawn on the bank account in accordance with the schedule referred to in paragraph 5.2 shall be signed by two members of Council.









6.1       Apart from any petty cash payments, all payments shall be effected by cheque or other order drawn on the Council's bankers.

6.2       All invoices for payment shall be examined, verified and certified by the Clerk.  The Clerk shall satisfy him/herself that the work, goods or services to which the invoice relates shall have been received, carried out, examined and approved.

6.3       The RFO Shall examine invoices in relation to arithmetic accuracy and shall analyse them to the appropriate expenditure heading.  The Clerk shall take all steps to settle all invoices submitted, and which are in order, either at the next available Council Meeting. or by presenting cheques for signature by two Councillors, preferably the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, with subsequent approval at the next Council Meeting.

6.4       The Council will not maintain any form of cash float.  All cash received must be banked.





7.1       The payment of all salaries shall be made in accordance with payroll records, and salaries shall be as agreed by Council.



8.         INCOME


8.1       The collection of all sums due to the Council shall be the responsibility of and under the supervision of the RFO.

8.2       Particulars of all charges to be made for work done, services rendered or goods supplied shall be notified to the RFO, and the RFO shall be responsible for the collection of all accounts due to the Council.  

8.3       The Council will review all fees and charges periodically, following a report by the Clerk.

8.4       Any sums found to be irrecoverable and any bad debts shall be reported to the Council.

8.5       All sums received on behalf of the Council shall be banked as directed by the RFO.  In all cases all receipts shall be deposited with the Council's bankers with such frequency as the RFO considers necessary.

8.6       The origin of each receipt shall be entered on the paying-in slip.





9.1       The Clerk shall make appropriate arrangements for the custody of all title deeds of properties owned or leased by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 4(3)(b) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 1996.

9.2       No property shall be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of without the authority of the Council.



10.       INSURANCE


10.1     The RFO shall effect all insurances and negotiate all claims on the Council's insurers.

10.2     The RFO shall keep a record of all insurances effected by the Council and the property and risks covered thereby and annually review it.

10.3     The RFO shall be notified of any loss, liability or damage or of any event likely to lead to a claim.

10.4     All appropriate employees of the Council shall be included in a suitable fidelity guarantee insurance.





11.1     It shall be the duty of the Council to review the Financial Regulations of the Council from time to time.


Reviewed 22.01.09





Held in the Village Hall On Tuesday, 23rd January 2007, at 7.30 p.m.

Present:          Parish Councillor Mr H W W Teverson (Chair)

                        PCllrs A Cooper, M W Prior, R K Payne, J Penn

                        Footpaths representative:  Mr L Crumpton-Taylor

                        Moira Groborz - Rural Housing Enabler at RCCE

                        Dave Walls – Community Warden

                        Parish Clerk

DCllrs Steve Bolter, Joanne Beavis, Wendy Scattergood

1 member of public         

Apologies:       PCllr J R Nott (has attended a PC meeting within last 6 months); CCllr David Finch


The Chairman introduced Moira Groborz from RCCE and Dave Walls who spoke briefly about his role as Community Warden and gave out contact details.


1.         Declarations of Interest.

Cllr Teverson declared a prejudicial interest for Item 7, affordable housing, being the landowner for a chosen site.

2.         Parish Council Vacancy

Mrs Smith had tendered her resignation.  As this was the last PC meeting before the local elections in May it was agreed there was no point in co-opting. The Chairman thanked Mrs Smith for her work on the PC over several years.

3.         Minutes
The minutes of the October Parish Council meeting were approved and signed – proposed by Cllr Payne, seconded by Cllr Penn.

4.         Matters Arising from the Minutes

Web Site

DCllr Bolter had made a start in setting up a web site.  It was thought a link with the BDC web site would be a more suitable option.  A resident was keen to have a history link.  The village hall and church were interested in having their details on the web site.  Other possible groups for inclusion were W.I., Cricket Club, Scouts, Over 60’s Club, The Pheasant, Amenities Group and Book Club.  PC minutes and agendas would be included.  It was agreed that Cllrs names and telephone numbers should go on.  An administrator would be needed.

Pound Farm, Gestingthorpe

The Enforcement Officer had notified that he was taking action as the site had not been tidied.

Cluster Meeting

Items discussed included affordable housing, speed reduction devises and Parish Partnership agreement.  Wickham St Paul will host the next meeting, no date has been set.

5.         Highways/Footpaths/PROW matters
Mr Crumpton-Taylor had walked many footpaths and reported that none were blocked.

            Cllr Bolter had resolved the problem of a tree leaning over at Seven Sisters junction.

The Chairman had resolved the problem of a bush in the road near Delvyns Farm, following recent bad weather.

6.         Planning

The following planning applications had been received since the last meeting:

Location                                                                                 Comment

Land at 17 Sudbury Road – erection of 1, two storey dwelling & garage

PC recommends refusal –

Frontage only 9.4m; near a bend; cramped development; not in keeping.

Pot Kiln Cottage North – replacement of windows and resize

Windows should be in keeping; lack of detailed drawings therefore recommend refusal.

Wheel Cottage, Maplestead Rd – erection of single storey rear extension & raised roof line over existing conservatory

PC supports this application.



Planning Decisions:

Land at 17 Sudbury Road       -  GRANTED

Pot Kiln Cottage North             -  REFUSED

 Planning Enforcement at Pot Kiln Wood

An appeal against enforcement has been lodged and it will be in the region of 6 months before the outcome is known.

The Chairman reported the postman was having difficulty delivery post to Pot Kiln Wood due to very muddy conditions.

DCllrs advised that as No. 16 Sudbury Road planning application had been passed, they had no option but to grant No. 17 permission.

7.         Affordable Housing

            The Chairman left the room for this item.  Cllr Payne took the chair.      

A site meeting was held on 19th January, attended by Mr Teverson, DCllrs Scattergood, Bolter & Beavis, Highways and BDC Planning representatives.  All possible sites were visited, the only site that met the criteria of abutting the village envelope was along the Sudbury Road.

Cllr Prior proposed the PC go ahead with affordable housing, seconded by Ashley Cooper.  All four Cllrs present voted in favour and this motion was carried.

A possible 6 units had been suggested as being a suitable number.  The question of how many would be rented and how many shared ownership was undecided as yet.

Moira Grobortz advised that as the Flagship Housing Group had already worked on this project, they would be in the best position to take this forward.  Cllrs were keen to use the same housing group as Pebmarsh following their positive experience.  The next round of bidding is due late summer/ early autumn and we would need to work to that date.

DCllr Scattergood advised that BDC would be looking at certain conditions with the application.

It was agreed to arrange a special meeting to discuss this item separately.

The Chairman returned to the meeting and took the chair.

8.         Playing Field

            The bench seats have been included on the PC’s insurance. 

            The ‘danger deep ditch’ sign has been erected.

            The gate has not been planed due to wet weather.

The bus shelter had been repaired and a letter of thanks sent.  Unfortunately this had been vandalised by youths at the weekend – the Community Warden had been advised of this.

The play equipment had been revamped but a concern was raised over the colour of the basketball post, thought potentially a risk to children.  The Chairman will speak to Mr Sharp about the bus shelter and basketball post.

The cricket pavilion is in need of repair and painting and a quote for these repairs from Smith & Scillitoe was in the sum of £400.  Cllr Scattergood advised that the PC could apply for funding from the BDC Rural Community Development Fund and will arrange for forms to be sent to the Clerk.  A Chubb fire inspection had taken place and certificate received.

The Chairman had cleaned the village notice board and BT phone box - the phone box is in need of repainting and the Clerk will write to BT for this to be done. 

9.         Report from Representatives       

Village Hall

The hall was currently being decorated.

Neighbourhood Watch

Cllr Penn reported that the dispersal order in Sible Hedingham was not working; burglaries have dropped off although there had been incidents in Borley and Belchamp of theft of copper cable.  The Anglian Water Depot at Steeple Bumpstead had been broken into and overalls stolen – a note will go in the parish magazine for residents to be made aware.  The Community Warden’s contact details will go in the parish magazine.

10.       Risk Assessment

            Various items were discussed:

            The spraying of the cricket nets; the path in front of the notice board; training courses – it was agreed the Clerk should go on any necessary course; the internal audit is now being carried out twice yearly to comply with audit regulations; to consider budgeting for a new local council administration book – Cllr Scattergood advised that many new regulations are coming in and this should be left until a later date; to consider charges for any requests for copying papers under the Freedom of Information Act.

11.       Contracts for 2007/08

Verge Cutting – a good job had been made and it was agreed to continue with our own contractor.

            BDC grass cutting contract – it was agreed to continue with this contract.

It was agreed that Graeme Martin should continue with his annual work around the village.

12.       Correspondence
Activity Day 2007
This has been organised for August 8th.
Parish Clerks Forum
Cllr Scattergood is organising this event.
Weight Restrictions – HGV vehicles
Correspondence had been circulated.  Cllr Scattergood reported problems with Satellite Navigation systems bringing large vehicles to rural roads.

13.       Annual Grants 2006/07

It was agreed to give the usual grants to Oates Churchyard Charity, Gestingthorpe village hall and the Over 60’s Club.  Grants were agreed as £200, £300 and £50 respectively.

14.       Receipts & Payment       

Receipts since last meeting                                                      £

Cricket Club for pavilion hire                                                                             100

Payments made since those approved at last meeting (inc. VAT)


 LAC  - Danger Deep Ditch sign                                                                        47.00 inc VAT

Ken Hutchinson - verge cutting                                                                       246.75 inc VAT           

Lubbock Fine for Audit                                                                                     141.00 inc VAT

Chubb Fire – annual inspection                                                                         45.12 inc VAT

BDC grass cutting                                                                                         1591.61 inc VAT

Payments to be made                                                                £

Ken Hutchinson - hedge cutting                                                                      132.48 inc VAT

Oates Churchyard Charity                                                                              200.00

Village hall                                                                                                       300.00

Over 60’s Club                                                                                                  50.00

Graeme Martin                                                                                                700.00


The Chairman advised of the unexpected bill for hedge cutting around Pound Farm. As no bill had been received for concreting in the bench seats this would equal out the costs.

 Cllr Payne proposed the PC pay the hedge cutting invoice, seconded by Cllr Penn.

 The above payments were agreed, proposed by Cllr Prior, seconded by Cllr Cooper.

15.       Precept 2007/08

The budget figures were discussed.   It was noted there was no contingency fund for emergencies but as the PC had a healthy balance to carried forward it was agreed not necessary.  Election costs were discussed.  It was agreed to keep the Precept at £5,000 for a further year.  Proposed by Cllr Payne, seconded by Cllr Cooper.  The Precept forms were signed.

16        16 Any Other Business

            Cllrs discussed advertising and nomination forms.  A note will go in the parish magazine for anyone interested in joining the PC.

New Vice Chair

Cllrs were asked to give some thought to who would take over from Cllr Payne in May.

17.       Dates of future  Meetings

The following dates were agreed:

Annual Parish Meeting            -           Thursday 12th April

Parish Council AGM                -           Thursday 17th May                                                                                                                                

The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

Date….…….………………………………  Chairman…………………………………