The Parish Council operate a committee system to assist in the day to day operation of the Parish Council. All committees meet on a regular basis and the dates of these meetings can be found on this website under the heading FUTURE MEETINGS. Four main committees are in place and deal with the following matters:  

Finance & Policy

Oversees the finances of the Parish Council, including the budget setting process, receipt and payment of monies, Council tax (precept) requirements and HR related matters.  Councillors who serve on the Finance & Policy committee are: Robert Fishwick (Chairman) David Everard, Paul Hutchinson, Shelley Lagrue-Farrant, Susan Sullivan and John Styles.

Parish Centre

Deals with matters that relate to the running of the Springfield Parish Centre, located in St. Augustine's Way, Springfield, along with Parish Council events.   Councillors who serve on the Parish Centre committee are: Susan Sullivan (Chairman) David Everard, Jean Hall, Pamela Lane, Duncan Lumley and Yvonne Spence.

Environment and Leisure

Responsible for Chelmer Village Green, bus shelters, litter and dog bins, seats,hanging baskets, playschemes, footpaths, liaison with Chelmer Village Hall Management Committee, allotments and notice boards. Councillors who serve on the Enviro' & Leisure committee are:  John Styles (chairman),  Robert Fishwick, Neil Gulliver, Jean Hall, Paul Hutchinson and David Wintle.   


Consultees on all planning applications made to Chelmsford Borough Council, appeals, and enforcement action.  All documents considered in assocation with the Local Development Framework and Local Plan.    Councillors who serve on the planning committee are:  Shelley Lagure-Farrant (Chairman), Graham McGhie, Roy Smith, Jonathan Thompson and Yvonne Spence.