Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (or AGM) of the South Rodings Parish takes place in the Leaden Roding Village Hall on Palm Sunday each year following a Benefice service of Holy Communion in Leaden Roding Church. The meeting is then followed by a Parish Lunch in the Hall. 


The APCM is not just an AGM of the South Rodings PCC but is also the Annual Meeting of all four Churches as well. At the APCM we elect our Church Wardens, Deputy Wardens, PCC representatives, LCC members and every third year we elect both our representatives to the Dunmow & Stansted Deanery Synod. 


Everyone is very welcome to attend the APCM and the Parish Lunch afterwards too, however in the event of a vote only those present who are members of the Electoral Roll can vote. 


 Electoral Roll


The South Rodings Parish maintains an Electoral Roll of Church members. To be entered on the Electoral Roll Parishoners complete an Electoral Roll form. By joining the Electoral Roll a Parishoner gains the right to vote in elections at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (in the event of a contested election). The Parishoner also becomes eligible to stand for election to any Lay office within the Parish.


Each year the Electoral Roll is revised in the period leading up to the APCM. Every six years a new Electoral Roll is prepared and everyone on the roll must complete a new Electoral Roll form if they do not then their names will not appear on the new Electoral Roll. The last complete revision was in 2007 the next will be in 2013.