

The Parish Council's financial transactions are governed by a set of financial regulations which are reviewed annually.


A budgetary control statement is presented to every Committee meeting and a financial report is presented monthly (to every full Parish Council meeting) setting out all income and expenditure for the preceding month, bank account balances, debts outstanding and cheques and payments for ratification/authorisation.




An internal auditor is appointed on an annual basis by full Parish Council and an internal audit is carried out at least twice a year. A review of the adequacy of the internal audit arrangements is undertaken annually and a scoping document is issued to the appointed internal auditor and confirmation of his/her continuing independence is obtained.  Both internal and external auditor reports are presented to full Parish Council and actioned as appropriate.


The Audit Commission has been appointed as the Parish Council's external auditors and can be contacted via the following address, phone number and email address:


Audit Commission

2nd Floor

Aspinall House

Aspinall Close



BL6 6QQ      


Tel: 0844 798 2435


Fax: 0844 798 7301





Annual Return


At the end of the financial year, the Parish Council completes an Annual Return which consists of:


Section 1 : A Statement of Accounts setting out the financial position of the Parish Council and its income and expenditure for that year.


Section 2 : An annual Governance Statement confirming that the Parish Council has a sound system of internal control.


Section 3 : The External Auditor's certificate and opinion.


Section 4 : The Internal Auditor's annual report.


A copy of the latest audited and signed off Annual Return can be obtained by clicking on the following link:


Annual Return





In November of each year, revised estimates for the current financial year and estimates for the next financial year are compiled based on detailed calculations for each expenditure and income head.  An annual precept and Council Tax is calculated based on these estimates and considered and discussed by Finance and Greens Committee before being agreed by full Parish Council.  A copy of the estimate summary and Council Tax calculation for the current financial year can be obtained by clicking on the following links:




Council Tax calculation