Definitive Footpaths

For maps of definitive footpaths in Boreham (shown in green), CLICK HERE

These maps are taken from a booklet published by the Parish Council in 1984 entitled 'Walk the Boreham Way'.  The Parish Council still has a limited supply of this booklet which can be obtained free of charge by contacting the Parish Clerk on 01245 469941.   


Further information regarding public rights of way can be found on Essex County Council's website by clicking on the following link:

Essex County Council PWOR information


The Parish Council is a member of the Parish Paths Scheme.  This scheme which is generally known as P3, was initiated in Essex in April 1993 and is funded by Essex County Council.  The scheme objectives are:

  • providing support and guidance for participating parishes;
  • providing training to help parishes to develop the skills they need to carry out the activities;
  • promoting and publicising the scheme - including all the works carried out by the groups;
  • using local skills and resources when carrying out the work. 

The Parish Council's Public Rights of Way representative is Councillor Chris Andrew,  Tel: 01245 466103.


Other Useful Contacts:


For P3 related matters: Tim Gardiner, ECC Public Rights of Way Officer,  Tel: 01245 435659


For non-P3 related footpath matters in Chelmsford Borough: Shirley Lucas, Public Rights of Way Officer, Tel: 01245 240084