Publication Scheme


Under the Freedom of Information Act (which came into force at the beginning of 2005), the Parish Council is required to adopt an approved Publication Scheme.


At the Parish Council meeting on 1 December 2008, the Parish Council adopted the model publication scheme prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner's Office.  The scheme was adopted without modification with effect from 1 January 2009. 


A copy of the scheme can be obtained by clicking here.


Details of the information available and the associated schedule of charges can be obtained by clicking here.


The following procedure is in place for dealing with requests for information under the Act:

    1. Requests must be made in writing to the Clerk of the Parish Council.
    2. Requests must contain a name and address - including email requests.
    3. Requests must describe the information required.
    4. A response must be made within 20 working days - this can be extended after the initial response.
    5. By prior appointment, information can be viewed at Boreham Parish Office, Village Hall, Main Road, Boreham, with the Parish Clerk and the Chairman or another Member of the Parish Council present.
    6. Requests can be made for photocopies - the Parish Council reserves the right to charge for this service at a rate specified in the Schedule of Charges.
    7. In certain cases, information can be withheld if it falls into the Exemptions Category.
    8. If the information requested relates to another Public Authority, the request can be forwarded to the appropriate Authority - an acknowledgement letter will be sent.

The Parish Council has been advised that nationally, Freedom of Information requests from some enquirers are being blocked as spam.  Normally this would not happen to us, but to prevent your message being blocked, we would ask you to add BOREHAMPARISHCOUNCILFOIA to the title line so that we can be sure of receiving it.