

Fishers Town LogoFishers is situated about 25 miles from the city of Indianapolis in the state of Indiana was formally known as Fishers Station and originally as Fishers Switch came into being in June 1872 when Salathiel Fisher divided his land into town lots. In those days it was quite common for new communities to spring up along railroads and Fishers was no exception, hence the early reference to a train station or "switch".

The railroad quite naturally drew residents and businesses to the area the first of which was a gristmill and sawmill. Fishers is located in Delaware and Fall Creek Townships in South Eastern Hamilton County. Most of the early history of Hamilton County centres on Delaware Township which was acquired from the Indians when Indiana became a state in 1816. Hamilton County was initially divided into only two townships, White River in the north and Delaware in the south.

At the time of purchase William Conner was the only white man living in Delaware Township and operated a trading post which is now the modern day Connor Prairie Pioneer Museum.

Fishers population grew slowly to 388 in 1960 when the local and interstate highway network was expanded then it was only a matter of time before the town became a commercial and residential centre. Today it has a population of about 78,000 and boasts approximately 200 miles of roads, it is a rapidly growing suburb of Indianapolis providing good access to downtown Indianapolis and other parts of the region.

Contacts between the schools in Fishers and those in Billericay have been established with the full and active support of the BTA. The educational benefits of our link with Fishers include computer-based communication exploiting our common language and technology. This will make the exchange of ideas and information straightforward and therefore very effective. Twinning widens horizons and promotes international friendship. An important and very tangible benefit is the chance to forge strong links with interest groups in other countries using commonly installed technology. Twinning of communities can offer the opportunity to meet other people in their homes and to share their everyday life.

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More information can be obtained at the Fishers website at

and at the Sister Cities website at: