
Executive & Finance - deals with administration and financial matters.

Allotments - in association with Writtle Garden and Allotment Society it manages the allotments in the village.
Committee members:  Fred Anelli (Chairman), Debbie Candler, Jonathan Fuller, Jim Menown, Simon Norburn, Liz Roe and Sylvia Storrey.

Development - reviews all developments in the village and comments to the Borough Council.
Committee members:  Tom White (Chairman) Fred Anelli, Boot Banes, Ralph Bray, Jim Drake, Jonathan Fuller, Jim Menown, Liz Roe

Environment - manages the Village Green and other open spaces and ponds.
Considers all highway and footpath matters and comments to the Borough Council.
Committee members:  Ralph Bray (Chairman) Debbie Candler, Boot Banes, Jonathan Fuller, Betty Laflin, Simon Norburn, Sylvia Storrey.

Playing Fields - manages the Playing Field Paradise Road and Pleasure Bit Ongar Road.
Committee members:  Chris Hibbitt (Chairman), Ralph Bray, Debbie Candler, Jim Drake, Betty Laflin, Stephen Robinson, Tony Sach, Tom White