Service Level Agreement

Members of the public have a right to attend all Parish Council public meetings and the Committee Meetings of the Parish Council. Agendas will be published and circulated in advance on the Lawford Parish Council website and on public notice boards around the parish. All full Parish Council meetings are held on the third Monday of the month and commence at 7.15pm. Meetings are currently held in the Wignall Room, Ogilvie Hall, Wignall Street, Lawford.

Members of the public are most welcome to attend full Parish Council Meetings. Each full council meeting has an early section, entitled “Public Voice”, during which questions regarding matters relevant to the parish of Lawford can be put to the councillors. The Parish Council Chairman will generally restrict Public Voice to 20 minutes duration. Members of the public are entitled to observe Committee Meetings, the dates for which will be published annually and communicated on the website and notice boards.

The Lawford Parish Clerk is available between 09.00-1pm Monday to Thursday. The website will give notice of any office closures. Messages can still be left on the telephone answering service or by e-mail when the office is closed.

If the Parish Clerk has to attend to business elsewhere in the parish during office hours, he will be contactable on the Parish Council mobile telephone. The telephone number of the Lawford Parish Council mobile telephone will be available on the website and notice boards.

All communication and correspondence requiring a response will be initially acknowledged within ten working days and Lawford Parish Council will maintain a general correspondence register, with each register being retained for four full years.