Chairman's Report for AGM 2016


Annual General Meeting 2016

Tuesday 5th April 2016

Chairman’s Report

Thank you to all Members, Trustees and Committee members and volunteers.

I’ve enjoyed being your President for the past year in what has been a challenging year. We are all getting older, as we speak, and that in itself brings change. We have had the second year of our younger Committee members Emily and Jack and seen our entry into the Social Media arena. We are tonight saying goodbye to Maureen Dann who joined the Committee in 1988.

1 We have reviewed and reworked our Constitution and received formal recognition of this by the Charity Commission.

2. Legal Requirements: I believe that our Rules and Regulations have never been better. All Health & Safety requirements and observations are under control and compliant.

3. Maintenance We have had fitted within the year a new boiler, which although a big expense will offer energy savings for the future. The Rooms continue to be in clean & tidy order but are ready for some redecoration, to continue to offer “best in class” to our customers.

4. Financially Bank balances are sound with sales turnover up by 15% with good financial controls in place. We are able to re-examine our tariffs and give some increased advantage to our Charity customers.

5. Bookings Are ahead of last year and the improvement in our profile through projects, word of mouth and social media is proving beneficial.

6. Technology Although we have improved visibility on social media we still need to re-examine our website, but nevertheless have good access through the hostiung by

7. Image/ Profile We have deliberately continued to improve our profile with events like WW1 and links with the schools and Cater Museum.

The Future:

Financial I would like to offer cheaper rates with preferences for Local Charities. 

Technology To revisit and create a new web-site

To monitor end extend Facebook and Twitter

Committee Attract younger / new members with appropriate skills

Implement a degree of Succession Planning Retirement

Links with Our Community

Continue to work with the School/Community to help them and improve our profile