The Little Braxted Life Saving Club



This is a very interesting item that has found its way into the archives.


Peggy Church wrote this letter:


'On 19th January 1995, Mr R.J. Nicholls kindly purchased for me (from Abbotts Auctioneers, Woodbridge) a silver plated cup, insrcibed thus:-


Little Braxted Life Saving Club

Cup Presented by

Mrs Hirst

1929 Class ladies

Mona Glover, Winner


I consulted Mr Ernie Rose.  He well remembered the club.  They used to use the Mill Pool (or the stretch from the weir to the Mill)*  I understand that a number of young people learnt to swim there.  A Mr Rushden told us that Miss Colgate (who lived with her cousin Mrs Hawkins in the Mill House) taught him to swim, and thus helped to save his life because during the war his ship was torpedoed and he was in the water for 2 days.


Gwen Beckett remembers Mona Glover, she was one of three sisters.  They lived 'on the corner of Collingwood Road'.


Mrs Hirst lived at Blue Mills.


* I understand that the place was a pool near the weir.'



Little Braxted Life Saving Trophy 1929