Community Association

Panfield Community Association meet in the Village Hall on the third Monday of very month at 7.30 pm.  The current committee was appointed at the December 2015 AGM.  The PCA act as 'Gatekeepers' for organising events in the village.  All meetings are advertised in the Village Magazine - Round About Panfield (RAP), on notice boards, Panfield Village website and soon to be on Facebook.  The PCA encourage all Panfield residents to attend meetings to create diversity and input fresh ideas.  The meetings are very friendly and informal.

The PCA have collaborated with the Church, Pub and clubs and organisations to agree an Events Calendar (see tab on left (Events Calendar.)


The PCA are always looking for people to help out at events.  You do not have to be a committee member or commit yourself to attend the monthly meetings.  We are aware that everyone is very busy, but if you think you have time to help out at any of the advertised events, then please contact any committee member.  You will receive a very warm welcome.

Committee Members/Officers


Chair: Peter Yates - 01376 339850

Secretary: Sarah Reid  07939 617909  

Treasurer Christine Joyce 01376 528477

Bookings Clerk: Lynne Canning  Email: Tel: 07753 227546

Committee Members:  Bridget Smith, (01376 328907) Tony Banks, Angela Jamieson 

Trustees  Margaret Cockwell




 30th April


25th June 







8th December 


24th December

 Village Garage Sale


 Village Fete with Dog Show



Black Caps 


Race Night


Vintage Villagers' Lunch (TBC)


Santa visits Look out for information 

From 10.00 am 


Time to be confirmed

Whole Village






13.00 Village Hall


From 17.00 hours



Pananza Winners 



Round About Panfield

This is our Panfield Parish Magazine.  It is produced by the Community Association on behalf of the residents of Panfield Village.  It includes Panfield Church Outreach and is  well on the way to being self-financing from advertising and a contribution from the Church and Parish Council.  The RAP now has its own area on the main website.  Look on the left hand side for the Parish Magazine tab.  Click on this and you will see all editions since number 25 to date.