FOSTAC LogoFriends of St Andrew's Church - Shalford Essex


FOSTAC formed in 2006 with people interested in improving the facilities available at our beautiful parish church of St Andrew’s, open to anybody including non church goes.St Andrew's Shalford

A committee and links made to the local Parochial Church Council for charity and gift aid relief for any subscriptions received, the organisation has proved very successful, as within a very short period the major project of building a Kitchen and Toilet was completed December 2009.

Local Residents are encourage to become members in providing support with a small yearly subscriptions for individuals or reduced rates for families, membership provides advance notifications of forthcoming events and first choice when numbers are restricted for sell out events

Secretary :- Sue Tarling 01371 851595
Treasurer :- Madeline Eversden 01371 850606

FOSTAC events have gained a reputation for excellence and they are often over subscribed, prior notification is always given via local Braintree & Witham Times plus village flyers, tickets need an immediate application.

Event dates see: FOSTAC Events 

Projects:- View All Projects 

Become a member:- Application Form

See more at :-
