The Council


The Council

The Council meetings are held in the Pavilion at Victory Recreation Ground in Elysian Gardens commencing at 8pm.

All Council meetings are open to the public and agendas are displayed on the Council noticeboards in advance of the meetings. Members of the public can address the Council at the start of the meeting on any item appearing on the agenda under the item 'Public Forum.

Chairman - Cllr Simon Plater

Vice Chairman - Cllr Catherine Dennish

Clerk - Mrs Michelle Curtis


Tollesbury Parish Council has 5 committees as follows:

● Environment and Amenities Committee - to provide leisure facilities for the community, to improve the outlook of Tollesbury and to provide amenities such as seats, bus shelters etc.  To oversee that state of the highways, public footpath systems and street lighting in Tollesbury.

Cllrs. Ian Clark, Catherine Dennish, Janet Evans, Steve O'Donnell


● Cemetery Committee - to oversee the running of the Cemetery.

Cllr Simon Plater(Chairman), Cllrs Ian Clark, Steve O'Donnell

● Finance Committee - to oversee the Parish Council accounts and providing the funds for committees to carry out their services and projects.

Cllr Simon Plater (Chairman), Cllrs Mike Bell, Catherine Dennish, Steve O'Donnell


● Woodup Pool– to oversee the running of the amenity pool.

Cllr Mike Bell (Chairman), Cllrs Bill Berry, Nick Bradbrook, Janet Evans


  • Recreation Ground - to oversee the running of Victory Recreation Ground and the Pavilion

Cllr Gerald Goody (Chairman), Nick Bradbrook, Harry Nixon, Janet Evans


Maldon District Councillors are Cllrs Robert Long, Stevan Slodzik and Maddie Thompson


The Parish Council's representatives are as follows:

Fairways Committee - Cllr Harry Nixon

Neighbourhood Action Team Liaison - Cllr Mike Bell

Tollesbury Wick Management - Cllr Harry Nixon

Tollesbury Community Association - Cllr Simon Plater