

The Story of Shalford from in its Historical Setting by Dorothy Gardner: a NThe Story of Shalfordorth Essex Village through the Centuries. Copies may be purchased price £11.50 by application to the author, either by post or in person, at 5 Barryfields, Shalford CM7 5HJ.







A Walk around Shalford:

Brian & Iris Beard:- (Unfortunately now out of print.)


St Andrews Church Guide

A Guide to St Andrew's Church:

Shalford, Essex, as it was and is.
edited David Cobb. Copies on sale in the Church, £3.00, or from Madeline Eversden, 7 Barryfields, Shalford CM7 5HJ. All proceeds to Church funds.








Picture in Progress:Book - Picture in Progress

The Story of how Shalford once lived, worked and played in 100 well-chosen Photographs. Copies obtainable from Shalford Village Stores, £7.00 (postage, if it applies, not included.)










Progress in Pictures:

Lives and stories in photographs from mid 50s - 60 s. Copies obtainable from Shalford Village Stores £7.00 (postage , if applies, not included)





Main Contact Bill Askew T:- 01371 851433