Panfield Parish Council

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Panfield Parish Council meets in the Community Centre on the second Monday of every month except August; members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings and there is a Public Forum time at every Meeting during which members of the public can voice their opinions and concerns.


All Meetings are advertised on the Parish Council notice board on the Community Centre.


                                           Meetings for 2016:

                                    11th Jan               9th May (AGM)         10th Oct

                                    8th Feb                 13th June                14th Nov

                                    14th Mar               11th July                 12th Dec

                                    11th Apr               12th Sept

All meetings start at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise notified on the notice board.



Parish Council

Panfield Parish Council is the elected representative body for the residents of Panfield; each Member of the Council volunteers their time freely.

Always contact Parish Clerk for any council matters.




You may be aware that there have been some changes within our Parish Council recently.  As good a time as any, I thought, to acquaint, or reacquaint you with the Members.

I am William Saward; I was elected Chairman some months back.  Prior to being elected, I served for a number of years as a Councillor.  John Moorey, my predecessor. stepped down at the A.G.M. due to work commitments.  I'd like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to John for his work, and wish him the very best for the future.

Anne Cole is Vice-Chair; Anne led the working parties to produce the 'Village Design Statement' (VDS).  This captures the values so enthusiastically supported by the majority of Panfield residents, proactively ensuring that Braintree and Essex Councils understand our views, and consider them against any proposed changes within, or around our village.  The Statement is now lodged with BDC planning and can be viewed online.

Gaynor Barlow and Anthony Parish both continue to serve as Councillors.  They have each been instrumental in the decisions that have enhanced the village, and keep it safe and in good order.

I am pleased to report that we have a new member, Sara Peak.  whom we welcome as a long-standing resident of Panfield.  If you would like to be involved with maintaining and shaping the future of your village, come along to the next meeting and let us know.  Panfield Parish Council meets on the second Monday of every month (except August) at 7:30 pm in the village hall.  Time is always set aside at the beginning of every meeting as a public forum; feel free to come along and voice your opinion or concern.


Jean Simmons, many of you know, is the Parish Clerk.  Jean provides a superb service to the village; much of her work is 'behind the scenes' and goes generally un-noticed, which in some ways demonstrates her efficiency; things just happen!  Can I please remind residents that 'issues' are discussed at the monthly Council meetings, not on Jean's phone at all hours of the day and night!  She can point you in the right direction, and furnish you with contacts, even note your comments, but please bring your views to a meeting.

Panfield Parish Council, besides the 'day-to-day' matters of the village, have prioritised some key areas for consideration, these are:

  • The Village Design Statement (as mentioned above).
  • Safety.
  • Road Safety - S.I.D. sign (Speed Indicator Device), signage, bus shelter.
  • Play equipment and open spaces.
  • Broadband - improving the service (available speed).
  • The Village Hall (& Community Association).

If there is anything you would like us to consider, investigate or pursue, come and let us know at a meeting.

At the next opportunity: the village volunteers and helpers, and more on what the council actually does!


Regards from William Saward, Chairman, Panfield Parish Council


Panfield Parish Council Certificate of Employer's Liability Insurance: Click<


Parking on grass Verges Notice

We have received complaints from local residents that a number of drivers have taken to parking their vehicles on the grass verge(s).

This is not their intended purpose and it can be a costly matter to put right the damage caused, particularly at this time of year when the ground is softer. This can leave the verges with deep ruts that attractiveness of the street scene.


Thank you
BDC Operations


Annual Parish Assembly

The Annual Parish Assembly Report 2014 ...<<More>>


Panfield residents, representatives from village clubs and organisations, together with representatives from Panfield Church, Essex County Council, Braintree District Council and the Threefields Area Policing Team gather for an informal meeting to report on their past year’s activities and publicise future events and attract new participants.


The Annual Parish Assembly is also a forum for residents to informally discuss current issues and matters of interest or concern in our community; it is usually held in The Bell Pub, and for the last two years the weather has been warm enough for us to use the garden.


The Panfield Annual Parish Assembly will be held this year on Tuesday 19th May 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in The Bell. The Chairman of Panfield Parish Council looks forward to meeting you - all residents are welcome.


The Annual Parish Assembly Report 2015 ...<<More>>


Chairman's Report and Financial Summary 2014


>>Click to View<<


Chairman's Report and Financial Summary 2015


>>Click to View<<



End of Year Annual Return 31.03.15


>>Click to View<<


Annual Governance Statment 31.03.15


>>Click to Vew<<



Click to View:




  If you would like to put your name on the waiting list for a plot (£15.00 p.a.), please contact the Clerk:


Please contact: Jean Simmons, Clerk/RFO, Panfield Parish Council,

'Fieldings', Bell Lane, Panfield CM7 5AG

01376 324056


I am pleased to advise that the formal Notice of Uncontested Election for each Parish and parish Ward can be found at

 Steve Daynes, Returning Officer, Braintree District Council.